So, this is my first full MUT year and I have a TOTY/TOTW question. Looking at the sets they require TOTY Tokens. Do the 18 TOTW tokens I have change to TOTY or will the TOTW tokens go into the TOTY set?
Next question, which someone may, or may not, know - will the fantasy pack you get for completing the set allow you to choose from all of the TOTY players in the group you choose (offense, defense, specialists) or will it be more like "here are 3 randoms - pick one"?
Apologies in advance for the noob question about TOTW tokens
So, this is my first full MUT year and I have a TOTY/TOTW question. Looking at the sets they require TOTY Tokens. Do the 18 TOTW tokens I have change to TOTY or will the TOTW tokens go into the TOTY set?
Next question, which someone may, or may not, know - will the fantasy pack you get for completing the set allow you to choose from all of the TOTY players in the group you choose (offense, defense, specialists) or will it be more like "here are 3 randoms - pick one"?
Apologies in advance for the noob question about TOTW tokens