Quote from barrofsoap >> Quote from lancerome >> already chose my 2 and i already have em. They are Brees and Hill, had to sacrifice totw Thomas to get Brees but i feel like it was a great deal. Pulled Hill from my tokens.
Breezus throwing stats look amazing
yeah and on my team tier 3 sprinter and +1 speed from saints chem, he's a 75 speed! He can actually move some now, not much, but much more than regular. Oh an 99 sac, 99 mac, and 98 dac, with 98 tp
Quote from lancerome >> already chose my 2 and i already have em. They are Brees and Hill, had to sacrifice totw Thomas to get Brees but i feel like it was a great deal. Pulled Hill from my tokens.
Breezus throwing stats look amazing
already chose my 2 and i already have em. They are Brees and Hill, had to sacrifice totw Thomas to get Brees but i feel like it was a great deal. Pulled Hill from my tokens.
Quote from barrofsoap >> Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Did you quote the person from reddit?
I did, I should have included that, felt it was worth sharing.
I already know im gonna pull all 94's. And I missed the preseason so im screwed either way
Quote from TTzeroTREY >> Did you quote the person from reddit?
I did, I should have included that, felt it was worth sharing.
since there will be a shit ton of these threads because people dont like making their own decisions, here are some basic helpful tips.
A.) Fills a weak spot in your lineup or a position that needs to be upgraded B.) A player that can be used on your theme team C.) if you need coins, take whichever one sells for the most D.) if you don’t need any of them and they are NAT take the highest overall card cuz you are quickselling for TP anyways
Using simple logic and common sense can go a long way.
Also, nobody knows for sure exactly how much each card will "settle" at. Use the MH price checker to get an idea for yourself, its not hard.
since there will be a shit ton of these threads because people dont like making their own decisions, here are some basic helpful tips.
A.) Fills a weak spot in your lineup or a position that needs to be upgraded B.) A player that can be used on your theme team C.) if you need coins, take whichever one sells for the most D.) if you don’t need any of them and they are NAT take the highest overall card cuz you are quickselling for TP anyways
Using simple logic and common sense can go a long way.
Also, nobody knows for sure exactly how much each card will "settle" at. Use the MH price checker to get an idea for yourself, its not hard.