So tonight I will giveaway 125k to two different people.
I will go buy two bucs players from the auction house at 8pm MST. I know which two I will buy and they are two of the Bucs that I think deserve more praise. The cards will be 86s or lower. That is all the info I will give.
To enter, post a 86 or lower but for 125k buy it now and you'll find out if you win. If your card hasn't sold by 8:15 pm MST you can delist it and you didn't win.
I know exactly what two cards I'm looking to buy and if they aren't listed for 125k then that giveaway will be forfeited.
First hint, bucs 86 and under. I may drop a few more hints between now and then in this thead...
So tonight I will giveaway 125k to two different people.
I will go buy two bucs players from the auction house at 8pm MST. I know which two I will buy and they are two of the Bucs that I think deserve more praise. The cards will be 86s or lower. That is all the info I will give.
To enter, post a 86 or lower but for 125k buy it now and you'll find out if you win. If your card hasn't sold by 8:15 pm MST you can delist it and you didn't win.
I know exactly what two cards I'm looking to buy and if they aren't listed for 125k then that giveaway will be forfeited.
First hint, bucs 86 and under. I may drop a few more hints between now and then in this thead...
Xb1 only sorry!