
Chemistry Icons: Am I The Only One...

That doesn’t call them by name but calls them by what their icon looks like instead?? 

Ex: Rock (pretty close), Chains, Dildo, Muscles, Weights, Zone and Man (just because that’s the main attribute they give u) 

My fiance gives me the oddest looks when going thru chems and player upgrades with my son when i say stuff like, “Well i have 19 Dildos so i can afford to lose one”. 🤣

Tell me I’m not alone!?


That doesn’t call them by name but calls them by what their icon looks like instead?? 

Ex: Rock (pretty close), Chains, Dildo, Muscles, Weights, Zone and Man (just because that’s the main attribute they give u) 

My fiance gives me the oddest looks when going thru chems and player upgrades with my son when i say stuff like, “Well i have 19 Dildos so i can afford to lose one”. 🤣

Tell me I’m not alone!?


Glad i could amuse the community 😁


Hahaha that’s great. People have done this for a while subconsciously. Remember Sparkle cards? Or Neon Deion?

Dildo for go deep... I must say that’s a new one :lol:


Quote from FrankieGoRams >> They should change it in the database now. It'll always be dildo from this day forward.



Quote from Whodat978 >> Dildo as in Go deep?

 I award you 1000 internets. Well played.


I used to use last years names often, for example, I finally stopped calling MTS “chain movers” a couple months ago. 

However, I can’t say I’ve ever referred to chems as “dildos.”


LMFAO :lol:


I typically refer to them by color


Lmao this thread is fried “dildo chem” 😂💀🙄


Quote from hev702 >>



They should change it in the database now. It'll always be dildo from this day forward.


Bro, you must have a weird penis, and no, i do not want a "go deep" pic.


Quote from hev702 >>



Lol nice


Quote from KountryGravy >> Quote from Dolphinator91 >> I call them by their actual titles..

I hope your son knew what a dido is before you started using it to describe a chemistry to him. :?

 He turns 21 here soon so yeah he has a pretty good idea what it is lol Yeah I turn 42 in November and still make up silly shit like Dildo Chem. Don’t judge 🤣


Quote from Dolphinator91 >> I call them by their actual titles..

I hope your son knew what a dido is before you started using it to describe a chemistry to him. :?

 He turns 21 here soon so yeah he has a pretty good idea what it is lol Yeah I turn 42 in November and still make up silly shit like Dildo Chem. Don’t judge 🤣


Quote from KountryGravy >> That doesn’t call them by name but calls them by what their icon looks like instead?? 

Ex: Rock (pretty close), Chains, Dildo, Muscles, Weights, Zone and Man (just because that’s the main attribute they give u) 

My fiance gives me the oddest looks when going thru chems and player upgrades with my son when i say stuff like, “Well i have 19 Dildos so i can afford to lose one”. 🤣

Tell me I’m not alone!?


Oh my God the dildo Chem, that's freaking classic!! I used to call em by color till I started really ah hunting for specific chems, but now the dildo Chem is gonna stick!!!!


I call them by their actual titles..

I hope your son knew what a dido is before you started using it to describe a chemistry to him. :?