
My 1st year in review, and moving forward. (For what it’s worth)

I’m sitting here bored at work and decided to let you guys know what I think did wrong, and what I plan to do next year. Thanks for all the help to the people on here who responded to my questions. Being a first time mut player and a person who bought madden every year, but only played until NHL came out it was kind of a rough start. I had no idea what I was doing at all. So..... here are my thoughts on what I will do next year.

Play online from the start day.   I didn’t play head to head online until about January, even being a day 1 player. Wanted to make sure I had a roster that could compete. Never realized DDA or how many flaws were in the game

No money spent (to a certain extent).  I spent a little bit of dough on this game throughout the year. It had me ones I opened my first bundle and pulled that 93 Barber, 90 Dent, and 89 Atwater. My roster was about a 80 so I figured every bundle was like that. I plan on doing a opening day bundle to get started and something for the Blitz promo. Nothing more


The quicker you realize that you don’t need the highest overall at every position to compete and that most cards plays the same than you will be ahead of most. Top that with spending 0 dollars and you have MUT completely figured out. The shiny new cards are nothing but cash grabs by EA. If you can resist the temptations you will have a lot more coins and a lot more fun just playing competitively. Sounds like you figured it out pretty quick OP. Took me a good 3-4 years to finally learn what no to do in MUT. I’m enjoying these last few weeks and officially retiring from MUT all together. Gonna play online franchise next year and have fun for free :)


My first year as well and I agree with your points. I'm going to be spending a lot less time on the AH and will just use the cards I get.


I spent prolly $250-300 total on game since day 1. $100 of that got spent day 1. However, I ended the year at a break even if not better. 

I knew I would not do mut master because i refuse to play "squads". To this day, i have not played the mode. 

The best tip i can give for making coins is to diversify your source of coin making (wl, sniping, solos, DC, token sets, daily qs set, farms)

roster building > Gameplay


Good post OP and I agree with all of your points, except MUT Master is usually not my thing.

One additional point I am going to try in Madden 19 is to take my time with solo's - meaning I'm not going to rush to get the likes of Gauntlet and Journey strings done ASAP.  I am going to stretch it out presuming the solo's don't have an expiration date and some solo strings I might not even bother with at all.  Should be a lot of choices anyway with the new Solo Battles and perhaps also Boss Battles if still around.

I'm also going to lab my playbooks more and play a ton more salary cap - I'll gladly lose a little more if my skills increase.


Good post.   for me   I’m going to look at any really long term thing - like madden Tier 3 for this year and start working day 1 on that.


Quote from googanaba >> Nice post!  My first year too.   Only one I'm not sure about is the MUT master.   Still can't imagine playing enough Squad games to earn 25 wins....yawn

The key to squads is playing with people you know. If you play with 2 radoms forget about it. I like squads though


Nice post!  My first year too.   Only one I'm not sure about is the MUT master.   Still can't imagine playing enough Squad games to earn 25 wins....yawn


I'm telling you right now, stay out of your wallet. You will spend thousands on this game if you are not disciplined. For three years I bought my 99OVR and I am 97OVR now with $80 total spent on the game for M18. Minus a DT2, K, and P, everyone is 97+.


This is a great post. It's always refreshing to see guys take time to put together a quality post. You brought up some good points. I look forward to hearing more about what you learn along the way in Madden 19. Keep it up.

Good post man. Good to reflect on the year and plan out how best to enjoy next year


nice post


Good post right here!  Like you, this was my first full year of MUT as well and have been buying madden every year since Madden 99.   This mode can suck you in in a bad way I also hope to just have more fun with it.  I spent more money than I would have liked but it did keep me interested for an entire year so it was worth it for entertainment and I did end up with a 98 OVR team that I liked.  I will try to be more NMS (to an extent) next year but if EA produces good content then I will obviously spend a little more.  I love that I found this website as Muthead has made MUT way more enjoyable than I could have imagined with everyone willing to answer questions (which I am trying to become a productive member of this community) and a lot of people that take the time to post minute to minute updates of MUT happenings.  I am wrapping up M18 and will be on to M19.


Looks good!


Good topic and nice points. I totally agree about playing online right away, just gotta jump right in


Good stuff. And DDA is real. Anybody who's played enough solos knows the difference.


Quote from baynit1 >> Quote from mjutton1 >> I’m sitting here bored at work and decided to let you guys know what I think did wrong, and what I plan to do next year. Thanks for all the help to the people on here who responded to my questions. Being a first time mut player and a person who bought madden every year, but only played until NHL came out it was kind of a rough start. I had no idea what I was doing at all. So..... here are my thoughts on what I will do next year.


Quote from Babynoze >> I think the thing that resonates the most with me is the roster portion. We spend a lot of time grinding, and opening packs to earn coins, and I can't tell you how many times I've wasted coins in tax buying and selling the same player too soon, or lost out in profits by being to impatient with a card. I think I spent more time being indecisive with my roster this year than actually playing with it and enjoying it. I definitely feel like I've learned the same lessons as you in that I don't need the best players, or even really want the best players if they are all going to be controlled by AI thresholds and animations.

I am doing the same thing as you next year as to limiting purchases to opening night bundle, and Xmas bundle for the presents. Aside from that, grinding and playing is the only way you can be proud of your team, and I feel like I might be more protective of my coins if I feel like they are harder to come by.


Quote from mjutton1 >> I’m sitting here bored at work and decided to let you guys know what I think did wrong, and what I plan to do next year. Thanks for all the help to the people on here who responded to my questions. Being a first time mut player and a person who bought madden every year, but only played until NHL came out it was kind of a rough start. I had no idea what I was doing at all. So..... here are my thoughts on what I will do next year.

Play online from the start day.   I didn’t play head to head online until about January, even being a day 1 player. Wanted to make sure I had a roster that could compete. Never realized DDA or how many flaws were in the game


I think the thing that resonates the most with me is the roster portion. We spend a lot of time grinding, and opening packs to earn coins, and I can't tell you how many times I've wasted coins in tax buying and selling the same player too soon, or lost out in profits by being to impatient with a card. I think I spent more time being indecisive with my roster this year than actually playing with it and enjoying it. I definitely feel like I've learned the same lessons as you in that I don't need the best players, or even really want the best players if they are all going to be controlled by AI thresholds and animations.

I am doing the same thing as you next year as to limiting purchases to opening night bundle, and Xmas bundle for the presents. Aside from that, grinding and playing is the only way you can be proud of your team, and I feel like I might be more protective of my coins if I feel like they are harder to come by. 

And most importantly, is yes, Don't take the game so serious. I am so guilty of caring too much, and I'm not even that great. I have my moments, and I guess playing too much can cause you to burn out and play poorly in spells so that's my downfall. But I feel this game effected me in more aspects of my life than I ever thought possible, so I know I need to tone it down quite a bit this year


Quote from brotherc40 >> All of those things describe my first full year in mut haha

 The struggle was real lol