I know what you mean OP. The game this year is very shallow. You can't stray to far from the top card-wise, because then thresholds are not met and you put yourself at a huge, nearly insurmountable, disadvantage. Everyone playing H2H has largely the same team (Vick, Moss, Ricky, Shaz, Deion) and the same scheme (Crossers, Gun Bunch Pats Sails, Freeze glitch toss, Nickel Normal). Cheesy plays, players and cards. Using and mastering a playbook means squat when plays get repeated by an opponent over and over until something outside the your control (insta-sheds, DBs dumbing out, etc) breaks.
And then these Solos that are just not fun at all....3rd Q, down by 3 or up by 7, win the game. All I do is score once, stop the CPU once and run the clock out to get my coins and go to the next solo.
None of it is fresh or innovative. It's boring and repetitive. It's not fun.
The only thing that's still any fun is trying to make coins on the auction house or opening packs . . . and it really is the gamble that brings the excitement. That's all it is. I might as well go play video poker and do sports betting.
This has been the problem since forever. Not sure why we cant just have all active players be at least useable, and have the majority of ring and HOF players. Plus so many greats that didnt even retire that long ago. Manning, Revis, Palmer, to name a few. I would have loved Flashbacks to be players like those and for every player to pretty much get a PU card, and for all teams to be on their chems. Seems like that would just be the base if someone like Bungie or Infinity Ward were making this.
just tired of playing. may go buy some new game since madden isn't cutting it lately.
Yes I’m with you 8 million and nothing to spend it on since they only release players for like 12 teams.
am i the only one with a ton of coins that is bored with the game? I want to play with players I like and it seems unless you have a very specific set of players, the game is tough to play p2p and win.
just wish the game was more competitively balanced and not based around 5-10 players on each side of the ball.
am i the only one with a ton of coins that is bored with the game? I want to play with players I like and it seems unless you have a very specific set of players, the game is tough to play p2p and win.
just wish the game was more competitively balanced and not based around 5-10 players on each side of the ball.