
Well...that was fun. Sort of, more like enlightening

So, I have been avoiding online play in pretty much all games since it became a thing.  However, this year I've decided I wanted to expand my horizons and play Madden online.  So I researched, watched videos, got advice from other players and finally dove in last night and learned that I have a LOT to learn still.

My first game was an absolute nightmare, second was a battle for a win, quit the 3rd out of courtesy for the guy that was kicking my ass (should have done that in game 1 but I was being stubborn) and the 4th was a solid game lost on my basic inability to play this game.

Still - as frustrating as it was at times, it was, in general, more fun than grinding solos and solo battles.  I'm going to try and stick with it, a couple of games a day and learn what I can to be better.

Enjoy your weekend all, especially Championship Sunday!

Go Pats!!

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