
My first Giveaway for PS4

My giveaway is now over. Thank you to everyone who participated tonight. I am sorry for any mistakes I made with it, but I hope everyone who won enjoys their new cards. See everyone in M19.

I apologize if I make this to difficult for some but this is my first attempt at this. I will add a new question after the previous question is answered correctly.  Thanks to anyone who participates. We are on round 8. I have accepted the trades for the players in round 1 congrats to the winners.

Round 1 I have posted SBB Barr and SBB Lawrence on the trade block. I listed them both looking for Browns coaches. To be eligible all you need to do is offer me any browns player and I will choose a winner at random at 8est today. 

Round 2 Oh, btw I wil also giveaway a SBB player of your choice to the first person to guess my favorite college football team. Congrats to slammer4244 he got the correct answer.

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