
Take a page from NHL series, please

This is my first year Mut, coming over from the NHL series for the past 8 years. If you are not familiar with NHL they have a mode called EASHL. Eashl is basically a club. It’s you and however many friends you want in your club play team game against other clubs. This mode keeps stats such as Goals, Assists, points, penalty, shots, etc... There are also club leader boards. It would be awesome if Madden was to incorporate this in squads. You could basically have a club with you friends that keep track of your wins, losses and stats. I know a lot of people don’t play squads, but this feature would be nice for those that do. There’s no way to even see what kind of stats you have in squads other than wins. Leaderboards would be nice to see how you actually fair against other squads. Maybe they could implement some kind of weekend league or monthly rewards for the people who play squads based on this leaderboard. It would give people a added reason to play squads if they are fed up with the weekend league cheese fest

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