

ive been wondering for a while will we be able to predownload madden 19 a few days or a day before if you bought the digital version?  So that way when it’s 12:01 we can play instead of having to wait for it to download?? 

Any news/updates on this?


Quote from SeanTaylor21Forever >> Usually lets you download 2 days before the games released on ps4 so its wierd that its able to download a week early anyone reckon they may turn it on thursday?

 Not a chance lol Unless its pay per play


good to know!


Quote from KountryGravy >> Quote from yurivexen >> Quote from KountryGravy >>


Quote from yurivexen >> Quote from KountryGravy >> Quote from yurivexen >> PS4 Version can be downloaded now


Mines downloading now


Quote from KountryGravy >> Quote from yurivexen >> PS4 Version can be downloaded now

 That’d be a negative here unless I’m looking in the wrong place

 Hmm. That's weird. It went live around 12am for me. Should be right under the icon whenever you go to your library(downloaded content)


Quote from yurivexen >> PS4 Version can be downloaded now

 That’d be a negative here unless I’m looking in the wrong place


PS4 Version can be downloaded now


Quote from justshaun85 >> I remember like a week ago, glancing past it and seeing a download option, and nothing going from there.... prob same thing you saw. I will check at midnight with you all, but does that mean we can play it at all? or just have that icon stare at us for a week? lol

 Means we can play on the 7th so yeah stare at it for a week lol


yep I see 7/31 for ps4 as well


Ps4 has automatic downloads if you have that option turned on


I remember like a week ago, glancing past it and seeing a download option, and nothing going from there.... prob same thing you saw. I will check at midnight with you all, but does that mean we can play it at all? or just have that icon stare at us for a week? lol


Quote from justshaun85 >> Just checked the store, I have preordered the HOF.... And just says unavailable for purchase, with 8-7 as the release date.... Don't see anything about download or 7-31? Where did you see that?

 It was immediately after purchase. I backed out and couldn’t find it again. My son seen it too so I’m not crazy lol


For PS4, you can download it on7/31, so tomorrow.


I just pre ordered the game today and it immediately started downloading.  It was good that it did because I have a Xbox 1 X and the game was 45 GB and it took a while to download


Good to know. I was wondering today also


Just checked the store, I have preordered the HOF.... And just says unavailable for purchase, with 8-7 as the release date.... Don't see anything about download or 7-31? Where did you see that?


I just did EA Access preorder and the download started immediately.


Quote from Intoda >> It has already downloaded on Xbox for preorders. 



I pre-ordered mine on ps4 earlier and only thing that downloaded was bonus content but there was a ticker that said available for download 7-31 and had a timer that said like 6 hours and something so I should know about ps4 first hand around midnight. Like others said, my son pre-ordered his on xbone and it downladed right then.