
Anyone doing NAT TOTY Fantasy Packs?

Bored... lots of coins... anyone pulling fire?


Pulled 95 Havenstein, 95 Gilmore, 95 JuJu. At least Havenstein was an upgrade at RT. Also pulled 95 Alex Mack out of both of my NAT TOTY packs and Robbie Gould was my best option out of my TOTW collectible pack. TOTY is not my friend.


Fuller, LVE, Brees and Hill. The set is high risk, NAT reward and I'd consider doing it again if I wanted Gurley or Wagner. I only care for Yanda, Snacks and Gould now though. Not worth the gamble for me anymore after pulling Hill.


Quote from romeischillin >> I'd definitely not recommend buying TOTW players for 100k+ a pop to do these sets... only do these sets if you are already sitting on these cards and/or you are able to do the sets to get the 89+ player or you are able to do the sets inside the TOTW section.

 Oh yeah, it’s not a coin making method, just a way to pull high end cards for fun


For about 500K you have a shot at a Bobby Wagner.. thats the name of this game


I did the Special Teams one three times - got Brett Kern, the Titans punter - YAY! I wanted him.  The other two times, I got the FB Justyzck (or however your spell it).  Quicksold him for training.


I'd definitely not recommend buying TOTW players for 100k+ a pop to do these sets... only do these sets if you are already sitting on these cards and/or you are able to do the sets to get the 89+ player or you are able to do the sets inside the TOTW section.


I did one for the lols and pulled got a choice of tyreek, myles, and robbie gould i almost fell out of my chair


Same. A little bored and have some coin. Sold off quite a few of my PU's also for the harvest, totw cards & legends - getting to the point 99's will be dropping and I'll just use those. Did a couple nat sets and replaced the toty cards I had spent coin on day 1. In the end, I have pretty much the same team but nat (minus the PU +1), about 600k more coins & a tp stack. Was fun, but may have been the wrong long term plan. Can always use the nat toty as backups when the 99's drop.


did it twice, pulled gurley and fuller


I did it 3 times pulled Mack the right tackle can’t rember his name bakatari or whatever and then hit 98 Bobby and stopped lol


Tried it once and it cost me 511,450 coins. I got Mack, Gilmore and JuJu. Not terrible but nothing great.I took Mack since my lowest OVR on my team was my center. Considering I could buy that normal/auction-able Mack for about 20K cheaper I consider this an L but oh well. 

Edit: Did it a second time. Thielen (already have NAT), Byard and Roberts. Took Byard and my second L.


Quote from martyr1968 >> Quote from Hitmanhavoc >> Quote from LakeForestDark >>


Quote from Hitmanhavoc >> Quote from LakeForestDark >> "I’ve done it 8 times"

Which set do you do?

 TOTY Nat Fantasy pack 

 Is that the set that costs 2 89-92 TOTW and 1 93-95 TOTW player?


Quote from LakeForestDark >> "I’ve done it 8 times"

Which set do you do?

 TOTY Nat Fantasy pack


Quote from LakeForestDark >> I will be doing the specialist set by Friday once the last two daily solo challenge rewards are paid out.   I got Kern for the NAT and picked Brees from the fantasy token pull.  I bought Tyreek for about 750.   Should have bought Wagner while he was 775K.

 The only card I'd want is Gould at this he in the "specialist" pack?


Did it 3 times I kept

Tyreek  Garrett Yonda


"I’ve done it 8 times"

Which set do you do?


I did it three times had a crap load of crap in binder. Pulled Mack, Yanda and fuller. Then I realize I could have sold those totw cards for coins. Use those  coins and buy the Toty I wanted, yah probably need to spend an extra 100k but at least it won’t be NAT.


I’ve done it 8 times

Kittle LVE Gurley Gilmore Havenstien Gurley (QS for training) Thielan Garrett (QS for training)

They are a lot of coins, but it’s fun


I will be doing the specialist set by Friday once the last two daily solo challenge rewards are paid out.   I got Kern for the NAT and picked Brees from the fantasy token pull.  I bought Tyreek for about 750.   Should have bought Wagner while he was 775K.