I still would like to know why I never got a token from Friday's stream. I got one Thursday and Saturday and I'm pretty sure I watched less hours on Thursday
EA scammed us into watching their championship stream! I was on most of the day 3+ hours and didnt get a token....
Their method of dropping them made them susceptible to bots nabbing them. Same thing was going on with the last MCS streams with the Lamar cards and they didn't learn their lesson.
That plus you also have to consider that there are a lot of people contending for that card since it's a first come first serve deal. Pretty worthless method of doing the giveaways.
I feel ya...I watched every day, got all of the tokens and stayed for champ cause they said we'd all be getting a nat version of him and I run him in my broncos theme team but here we are with ea lying to us again and doing nothing about it...great community presence!
I couldn't remember my security question answer since my ea account or whatever is like 15 years old. So I didn't even try clicking on them after the first one and I couldn't get fully logged in. ;\
How many times did each code work is my question. If each code only worked once the chances of getting the card were slim. I do not know the details, but I did not see the number of viewers drop below 15K during the games.
I tried too and I think my stream maybe is delayed or people are just too fast like when they gave out the beta codes or when when trying to snipe popular cards. I have a good 1000mbps connection with Fios and still get beaten to items. Maybe they lied about the codes or some bots are out there getting to these quickly.
You probably nailed it. Either they gave a single card with each code or there was a bot or some bs. I’m pist bc I watched all day all three days and only got two tokens bc I didn’t know you had to have your account linked the first day. BS
I tried all weekend and put the code in fast af and every time it was invalid. EA pulled some bullshit again no one got a champ. Why even put the code on the screen if the code doesn’t work? I want to know if ANYONE AT ALL got it bc I’m feeling like these codes are for champ just like Mel Renfro was in the packs that he wasn’t in. EA is TRASH