
Madden or 96 player

i have a 94 ovr team.  I am soon going to have enough coin ~700,000 to buy either coach madden or a player of the year card.  Which way should I go??

i already have enough season 2, 3, 4 trophy’s to upgrade madden.  But I don’t know w whole lot about how madden can boost my team.


I would buy madden if you have less than 400-500 trophies.  I bought him because I only had 150 trophies and they’re kind of important to make Madden worthwhile


Quote from Gitbizy >> Great replies... thank you all.  I have over 100 of series 2,3,4 so I am set there.  Just didn’t get started early enough or I would have grinded out a free madden.  Wound up with less than 100 series 1 so I have to go buy him. I will need to work on the TP to unlock. 

 100 total or 100 of each series?  You can use later than series 1 for Madden.   Same way with the upgrades.  I used a bunch of series three tokens for Maddens series 2 upgrade.  You might be able to get a free Madden after all.


Great replies... thank you all.  I have over 100 of series 2,3,4 so I am set there.  Just didn’t get started early enough or I would have grinded out a free madden.  Wound up with less than 100 series 1 so I have to go buy him. I will need to work on the TP to unlock.


If you already have Trophies, get Madden. If not, just get a player.


As everyone else has said, if you  get series collectibles at a reasonable rate, it’s an easy choice. A single TOTY player could be obsolete in a week or two, Madden boosts the entire team for the rest of the year.


Madden coach is not worth it if you don't have the collectibles to go along with him. So you should have a bunch of series trophies saved up if you go this route..


Madden all the way.  He has the ability to boost everything, including speed.  You will have to choose but Madden passing tier 2 is great.  I also have pass defense for the zone boost.  Plus one speed for the physical chem and I just put rush defense for the bsh.  But each tier cost Tp to upgrade 2k per and 5k to get that plus one speed.  However he boosts everyone.  He could easily push your team to a 95 with the tiered chems.


madden and it's not even close


I was in almost the same boat.  Couple of places to improve my barely 95 overall team and went madden.  Awesome addition, boosted a bunch of spots and I think gives me a reason to keep playing h2h.  More trophies for more upgrades is fun.


Quote from Log1k4LCha0s >> What is your flow of h2h tokens? You're still going to need a lot of those to really unlock what Madden coach has to offer.

Yup. If you hit up Coach Madden early he's gold. I maxed my Chargers coach and frittered my trophies away until about 3 weeks ago, thought I'd try, grabbed Madden on AH and immediately opened the two slots. I did lose the Chargers players specific boosts from my HC I benched, but Coach Madden immediately boosted more than enough to make up for it. Opened slot 3 last weekend and am about 1/3rd to the slot that'll allow speed boost across the roster.

But upgrading at 100 trophies a slot is time consuming unless you are a H2H God. I've actually been forced to play H2H just for the trophies, that plus the annoying weekly squad requirements, and solo battles.


Madden is the only thing you won’t replace all year


Madden all the way!


Madden my sir


Madden has the much bigger upside


Madden, who has 2 chemistry slots that cost you 2k tp each to unlock. Then you'll need 100 series 2 trophies or higher, 100 series 3 trophies or higher and 100 series 4 trophies to be able to unlock the rest of the chemistries up to date.


What is your flow of h2h tokens? You're still going to need a lot of those to really unlock what Madden coach has to offer.


Quote from barrofsoap >> easy choice, Madden.

 This but you will also need TP and then trophies to open up more chem slots for Madden


easy choice, Madden.


i have a 94 ovr team.  I am soon going to have enough coin ~700,000 to buy either coach madden or a player of the year card.  Which way should I go??

i already have enough season 2, 3, 4 trophy’s to upgrade madden.  But I don’t know w whole lot about how madden can boost my team.