Also if the prices are drove up that means everyone will have to pay which will cater specifically to AH flippers and big money spenders. That's why. Most people don't spend $. So its better for them if prices are lower. Especially good to those of us who have learned to be very disciplined, not jump for the newest cards each week, and not spend coins on packs very often. The hardcore players are the ones who follow this site daily. This is probably on a few % of the entire MUT community.
Quote from acat20 >> The immediate sale and lessened wait time to do whatever you plan with those coins is the reason. If you only have 1 hr a day to play, you dont have 30 mins for your card to sell, you want it to sell and to be able to buy your upgrade asap
The point OP is making though is that it wouldn't cost you any extra time to hold the card during the obvious market imbalance. Just hold it for a week and sell it next week. No extra time required, it's still 1 search and 1 post, the market will just be more in your favor once the bundles are out of circulation.
The set pieces that are not rare are barely worth more than their attribute rating-based price because there will end up being a ton of them left over when the supply of the rare cards run out.
I would be more concerned with the few that are able to corner the market on the higjer set pieces. That has a lot to do with it as well. 93 vick set piece for 1.5M? Im convinced that some guy w a high speed connection is camping out on that card and has 10 in his binder. He will make boatloads of coin. When that set piece is on the ah for 1.55M then the 89 set piece is worth about 1k.
Supply and demand. There are far more of the lower tier set pieces. Over time, they’ll go down in value. Try selling a piece for the Jerome Bettis original legend now.
The immediate sale and lessened wait time to do whatever you plan with those coins is the reason. If you only have 1 hr a day to play, you dont have 30 mins for your card to sell, you want it to sell and to be able to buy your upgrade asap
I think because there is so much risk involved in holding onto a card in mut value wise and a lot of people who rip packs have no interest in trying to predict the market or holding onto something when it could be the smart play. They would just rather sell instantly get some coins back and cut their losses.
This is just a general thought I’ve kind of been having all year. And I know the vast majority of the community never gets to MH and when they want to sell a card they go to the buy now, sort by lowest price and post for a couple hundred coins less than the next lowest. So I get how the price dives when you have probably 10’s of thousands of people all selling at once.
but I don’t understand why someone is so willing to do that when they just put their money or coins into the pack, and even more so the former, when someone buys a pack that only points can get they are actually throwing something of value into the game. So why do they accept that they just got burned one the Pack and turn their $50 spent in the game into 75k in coins? Why doesn’t the community ever try to bring the prices of the cards up? And I know that could probably never happen but it is just annoying watching all of this money go into the gam and people just willing to accept that they got screwed by EA
This is just a general thought I’ve kind of been having all year. And I know the vast majority of the community never gets to MH and when they want to sell a card they go to the buy now, sort by lowest price and post for a couple hundred coins less than the next lowest. So I get how the price dives when you have probably 10’s of thousands of people all selling at once.
but I don’t understand why someone is so willing to do that when they just put their money or coins into the pack, and even more so the former, when someone buys a pack that only points can get they are actually throwing something of value into the game. So why do they accept that they just got burned one the Pack and turn their $50 spent in the game into 75k in coins? Why doesn’t the community ever try to bring the prices of the cards up? And I know that could probably never happen but it is just annoying watching all of this money go into the gam and people just willing to accept that they got screwed by EA