I’ve seen this kind of thread multiple times and there has been no progress. Spending money on packs is a personal choice, it will be a big task to tell everyone about it especially those who have plenty of money to spend.
Good luck!
Quote from VoodooMan >> If the average poster here spends just $50 a year on packs average, then we can actually make an impact with a boycott
Good luck!
If the average poster here spends just $50 a year on packs average, then we can actually make an impact with a boycott
Quote from Turns2ashes >> Quote from ramsey20jags >> ea makes hundreds of millions. they do not care about you
Responses like this annoy the f*** out of me. All big movements in history start small. If you’re not prepared to try and do something then keep it to yourself. I’m with you OP. Turns2ashes
I definitely get what you're getting at, but Jags is right. I do hope a lot of people sign this.
Quote from ramsey20jags >> ea makes hundreds of millions. they do not care about you
If you don't agree with the premise, cool, but let's not derail the post.
Look, I get it, but you have to look at this from EAs perspective... you can’t tell if someone who purchases a card for 500k is MHC or buying coins, there just is no way to tell, and either way EA is not making money off either, so if they accidentally ban people for MHC it’s not making them lose any money, I just don’t see how this would work. But if we find a way, I’m totally on board!
We, the undersigned hereby agree not to spend any money on in game purchases for MUT until EA allows us to trade MHC openly.
VoodooMan, MUTTER since MUT 12