
Best way to arrange my WRs/possible upgrades to them?

So pretty much the thread title. Team is in my sig. Do you all think I have my WRs lined up in a good way,  or should I re-order them? I would like AB in the slot, but then I also rely on him a lot in clutch 3 and long/4th down situations with 2 receiver sets, especially slants/corner routes. So do I keep him as WR1 or move him?

I'm also wondering if I should upgrade my other two receivers, cause I know they aren't the best, but they've gotten the job done thus far. If you do recommend an upgrade, I could probably only do one of them, and I'd like to keep it around 300k or less with obviously good speed and RR/CIT and preferably clutch trait as well.

Thanks in advance as always.

EDIT: For those on mobile, here is my team:

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