I've been hearing that the latest patch increased the Zone meta. Do you guys think this is true? If so, thoughts and opinions?
good point sir. Maybe it is the play rec. That bad boy sherman has pick me off a few times after the patch when I used to abuse him due to the lack of speed.
i think since the latest patch play rec factors in a lot more. in a CFM i played against Casey Hayward with 97 zone that didnt break on shit. but my 89 zone sherman with higher play rec broke on balls like a true 91 zone. dont think they nerfed or juiced the zones, just think they may have tweaked other stats that can effect a player to break on the ball quicker. IE play rec awareness etc
Im personally for a zone threshold upgrade, the play with zones is unrealistic , but I get the frustration , if they say we are not raising them and you planned your squad around it like powering up a card and it’s zone rating is 91 and at the time felt you no longer need a better card because it hits that threshold and now it is useless and can’t trade or sell it, that is messed up.
91 zone kinda ruined things, i used to feel safe when my linebackers had 88 zone but ig that doesnt mean anything
I’ve noticed that even with everyone at 91+zone c-routes and out routes r still open way more than they should b even with proper afjustments
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I've been hearing that the latest patch increased the Zone meta. Do you guys think this is true? If so, thoughts and opinions?