
Best D play to stop CPU?

Ive tried everything almost and still need help vs CPU. I'm decent at H2H but suck VS CPU???? Like wtf??? :lol:


Don't care if people buy this or not, but my experience in solos is if you get pimped by the cpu a couple of times, take your hands off of the controller and let the cpu pick and play defense. Amazing to watch the qb (Cam in this case) suddenly running around in the backfield until he gets tackled or to see him throw wild passes way off the mark, or you get a pick or a fumble. The game will adjust to let you win if you don't engage at all on defense.  You have to cheese the cheesers.

That being said, these solos are not worth the aggravation


Just do hard flats or cloud flats. They usually throw to the flats if nothing is open, or to the sides where the cloud flat is covering, so if you're a decent user and just cover the middle, you should do fine.


3-4 Bear Zero Blitz, commit to pass and shift line toward the blitzing LB and spread LB.  This will free him.  If you have MF Lewis flip the play as needed to make him the blitzer.  The other decent option is to come out in 44 punt block and audible after they do (to to cover 2 man) and commit to pass.  This will get them into pass plays.  The one with no completions is harder than they have been in the past, cpu against me was running screen passes on 4th and long.


cover 2 invert

Lb fire or whatever man blitz out the 44

Sam blitz or whatever out the 43 over


Punt block 44 Even Squeeze block. Boring but it works..user your return man between bunch side WRs. If you dont want to hurt CPUs feelings too much I recommend mid blitz Nickel 2-4-5 Dbl A Gap,  User SS/FS on HB and press.


Either blitz like a mad man, cover 2 man. Or punt block 8 up and user the returner to sack the qb


Quote from alleneburch >> Quote from glimerman911 >> just look at if they got 1 or 2 receivers in if so call a 43 cover4  if they got 3 or more go into a dime or dollar cover 3 that should help

 I'll def give this a go

 Still a failure


Quote from glimerman911 >> just look at if they got 1 or 2 receivers in if so call a 43 cover4  if they got 3 or more go into a dime or dollar cover 3 that should help

 I'll def give this a go


Quote from nicksr84 >> Quote from alleneburch >> Any solo vs CPU but especially the gauntlet solos...I suck vs CPU

 Is there a specific one? 

 Any of the last ones would help like the Finales


Quote from alleneburch >> Any solo vs CPU but especially the gauntlet solos...I suck vs CPU

 Is there a specific one?


Any solo vs CPU but especially the gauntlet solos...I suck vs CPU


just look at if they got 1 or 2 receivers in if so call a 43 cover4  if they got 3 or more go into a dime or dollar cover 3 that should help


What solo?


Ive tried everything almost and still need help vs CPU. I'm decent at H2H but suck VS CPU???? Like wtf??? :lol: