
Help Me Pick A New LE

I run a 4-3 defense and mainly run 4-3 normal, 4-3 wide 9, and 4-6 normal. I'm thinking about selling Too Tall and replacing him with an OLB at LE for a bit more speed. I'm trying to decide between SB Ware, SB Hendricks, and TOTY Mack. I have physical front at 14/12 so I could lose my physical front Too Tall and still have tier 4.

Ware is pretty comparable to Replays Von and I'm not sure Miller is worth 200k more. Hendricks would be nice with ST but he is the slowest of the 3. Under Pressure seems glitchy on the D-line. I would start Mack at LOLB and sub him in at LE so the chem would be active. Has anyone used any of these players at DE? How have they performed for you?


I just got 96 von Miller and had to move an Hendricks somewhere.  I moved him to Le and he is great

i run 3-4.  Plenty of sacks or gets double teamed so miller get the sacks

pretty good against the run also.  If I need speed I sub in legen Haley (who’s I was running at le before) but Hendricks still better.

not sure about other guys


Really depends on what you run. If you run something that has te lolb blitzing ike many of the forms this season, then keep too tall and get mack. If not, get ware to sub in, cuz ware has pretty good stats.


Mack, with the chem it’s not even close!


I run a 4-3 defense and mainly run 4-3 normal, 4-3 wide 9, and 4-6 normal. I'm thinking about selling Too Tall and replacing him with an OLB at LE for a bit more speed. I'm trying to decide between SB Ware, SB Hendricks, and TOTY Mack. I have physical front at 14/12 so I could lose my physical front Too Tall and still have tier 4.

Ware is pretty comparable to Replays Von and I'm not sure Miller is worth 200k more. Hendricks would be nice with ST but he is the slowest of the 3. Under Pressure seems glitchy on the D-line. I would start Mack at LOLB and sub him in at LE so the chem would be active. Has anyone used any of these players at DE? How have they performed for you?