
Experiment- How important is a Top Tier Oline?

So I usually buy and sell my team regularly in anticipation for new promos and stuff. So i decided to spend less on defense get some budget guys and instead buy top of the line Offensive Line to see what differences I noticed. I prioritized higher end cards with Secure Protector and high Impact block(91+). LT: Orlando Pace LG: Larry Allen C: Jason Kelce RG: Brandon Brooks Sig RT: Jack Conklin I had a elite Oline prior I had NAT cards,  LT: NAT Tramon Williams LG: NAT Roger Saffold (playoffs) C: NAT Linder RG: NAT Marshall Yanda RT: NAT Ryan Ramscheck

General differences:

No difference in the run game, in this game the run game is made by the running back. I tried out Bo Jackson didn't do well did much better with Mike Vick although nothing crazy different from NAT Oline.  Pass Protection seemed better, I got an extra second it felt like to get my deep Cover 3 beaters, Cover 2 beaters off, but occasionally there would be insane BKS like right up the middle.

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