
If you use PLAYMAKER on your TE, who would you use? 88 OVR Winslow or 89 OVR OOP D Clark (same speed)

Finally, a playmaker TE with comparable speed to Dwight Clark (88 speed with uni boost).  The new 97 Legend is 89 speed so he's the fastest TE with playmaker.  The 88 OVR version of Kellen Winslow is 88 speed, same as the boosted D Clark! (A gift from EA for the budget builders and salary cap guys)

I play a lot of salary cap and Dwight Clark has a fumbling problem for me. Winslow seems to take hits (at least in the small sample size of 8 games in WL).  But I wanted to ask you guys, would you consider Winslow over OOP Clark?


I like Clark but have been using TOTY Rngram more and more


I would use Clark as a wr he goes up to a 92 n keep Kevin at TE


Cap value aside, I think Clark is still your guy with a slight edge.

HOWEVER, us cap players know how big of a deal 3 extra cap is. 

With that said, Winslow’s 91 AGI coupled with respectable run blocking and far superior pass blocking to makes him a worthy replacement. Also, if you think weight matters, you’re getting 39 lbs with Winslow. 

Finally, Winslow is clutch, while somehow Clark is not. (“The Catch,” anyone?) 

I’d go with Winslow for cap mode.

Quote from mofm911 >> Quote from NYCoolGuy >> 91 Winslow?

 I would but, unfortunately, he is 84 speed. 

 Yea funny how that is


Quote from NYCoolGuy >> 91 Winslow?

 I would but, unfortunately, he is 84 speed.


91 Winslow?


clark is still just a better option.... especially for the price


Finally, a playmaker TE with comparable speed to Dwight Clark (88 speed with uni boost).  The new 97 Legend is 89 speed so he's the fastest TE with playmaker.  The 88 OVR version of Kellen Winslow is 88 speed, same as the boosted D Clark! (A gift from EA for the budget builders and salary cap guys)

I play a lot of salary cap and Dwight Clark has a fumbling problem for me. Winslow seems to take hits (at least in the small sample size of 8 games in WL).  But I wanted to ask you guys, would you consider Winslow over OOP Clark?