
Best non-user 3-4 MLB

Thinking about picking up Singletary, but compared to Lewis a few +1 or +2‘s, he is 350k on top. Also he doesnt have 91 zone. What are your reviews or recommendations?


The 93 Derrick Brooks has been very solid for me. 91 zone and decent run stuffing stats


Singletary was great in this first weekend I used him. Doesn't chem up to 91 zone but still had some good coverage moments and was a monster when it came to stopping the run / rushing the passer.


Quote from Snozzlewobble >> Willie Lanier, 91 Zone and hot hands without having to pay for player upgrades, makes picks all day, also stops runs


Quote from NinerNation >> Power Up Deion Jones is sweet (90 speed, 91 zone with T3 R&R). Don’t sleep on him even compared to ULs 

 Yup.  He plays great for me with that 91 ZCV & great speed.  Better against the run than you’d think, too.


Quote from Thunder13Dome >> Wagner and urlacher are 2 good option. 

This. I user Urlacher and let Wagner do his own thing. Works great for me.


I'm sure he's not nearly as good as what everyone else has been saying. But oop LT has played like a dream all year. More interceptions then anyone else on my team.


Wagner and urlacher are 2 good option.


willl lanier guy makes plays for me


Agree. I have my all time ravens team and its already stacked. Got players from other teams that were actually Ravens like 95 Shannon Sharpe or 95 Trevor Pryce 90 overall lions Ngata etc etc. I'm having more fun this year than in other years past. And yes i have Deion in my nickelback spot because people forget he came out of retirement at 37 to play with Ray Ray Reed and Suggs.


Power Up Deion Jones is sweet (90 speed, 91 zone with T3 R&R). Don’t sleep on him even compared to ULs


Agree that Mosley is a must have at MLB2, for the PUR boost


The wagner/lanier combo is deadly for me. Whicever one i user, the other is money as well.


Quote from Addict856 >> My 92 Mosley with tier 4 Ravens team chemistry and tier 8 for all ravens players. He’s my #2 MLB in my 34 with Ray Ray and he actually makes a ton of plays for a 60k card. I user Ray and get a ton of picks and fumbles but with Mosley tiered up he actually makes just as many plays as ray. 

 He plays great for only having 83 speed. If he could get another card with 87+ that would be end game for me.


My 92 Mosley with tier 4 Ravens team chemistry and tier 8 for all ravens players. He’s my #2 MLB in my 34 with Ray Ray and he actually makes a ton of plays for a 60k card. I user Ray and get a ton of picks and fumbles but with Mosley tiered up he actually makes just as many plays as ray.


Wagner is solid for me. Just upgraded to him and mlb Bo Jackson to user. Run D a lot better now.


I got Wagner roaming free and he covers the entire middle of the field for me. Just an overall great card.


I ran 94 Singletary this weekend league and was happy.  Stopped the run and got a pick or two.  I'll step him up to 97 later, but he's rocking it for me now.


Bobby Wagner seems to always kill me when I have to face him. Dude made my 96 LT who has 95 carry fumble in the red zone with 2 mins left in the 4th. Ended up losing the game by one score because of that fumble.


Willie Lanier, 91 Zone and hot hands without having to pay for player upgrades, makes picks all day, also stops runs


I've got Urlacher and powered up Wagner with Mathieu to get them to 91 zone, they've been niceeeeee