If I even do them, big if right now too, I would just go for the FB since it doesn't look like the Chiefs are gonna get one like an Okoye or T Rich legend.
I’m going blue, I might use Harris but will probably stick with Neal since I use my FB for strictly blocking.
Quote from TheWurstNytmar3 >> Quote from C7Susb9 >> Blue for sure. John Elway, the end
Michael Vick, THE END
Boo this ^
Wish you could mix the colors. Red + Blue = Purple. A Fran Tarkenton card would be awesome.
Quote from TheWurstNytmar3 >> Unless you run theme teams I don't know how you can say blue > red. Red looks 10x better by far.
I agree!
Quote from C7Susb9 >> Blue for sure. John Elway, the end
Michael Vick, THE END
No team really looks a lot better than the rest but leaning towards red.
I’m going to go red. Franco Harris can’t go into the power up set. Most people already seem to have him powered up to some level and this new one won’t be able to help. You’ll still need the 97 master
Blue is ten times better then red, red is trash. Complete trash, ultra mega garbage, disgusting smelly rubbbish for sure.
how can you say red looks better? harrison pass, barber pass, clark pass
blue on the other hand reggie white looks great, people want elway and franco is nice on lots of teams
Quote from FF_Carson19 >> Quote from iSuNkIZt >> nah. I'll just get the 97 Franco. No need for the 94 that MAY be a 95 when I already have him at 95
Might as well do the solos because you can just look at it like here will be free TP to have.
that's not the move for me fam
Quote from bigredm1 >> Sorry Lynch and Harris for my theme team, plus a Jermaine Kearse...
Go Hawks. Go Blue!
94 Malcolm Smith hawks ROLB aswell time to sell my GOM Derrick Brooks
That Franco Harris gonna go HAM on my team. PU gonna have 94 speed with T3 sprinter. My boy gonna be NASTY. Go Steelers
Unless you run theme teams I don't know how you can say blue > red. Red looks 10x better by far.