Posted by MattyRey47 MattyRey477 years ago

We are asking the wrong question re: DDA/Equalizer

If what is coded into the game is not called DDA/Equalizer then people like KRAELO and Clint Oldenburg saying that they are not in the game is not them lying to us.

But we are asking the wrong question by asking if those are in the game. We should be asking a less specific question. And if I get an on the record “No” to this by anyone from EA I will believe it. If the answer is anything other than a pure “No” and along the lines of “Not that I am aware of” I honestly consider it to be a yes because you refuse to go on the record and say “No this is not possible in the game”

There should be 2 questions asked and they are:

  1. Is there anything coded into Madden/MUT other than pack odds themselves that can affect my potential pull. There is no need to let us know pack odds but let’s say that if you are guaranteed 1 “Elite Player” from a pack the odds are as follows for that “Elite Player” slot:80-81 overall = 50%

Agreed, people who open LTDs and not a lot of packs are lucky, people that open tons of packs and open LTDs are doing so quantitatively.  People who open lots of packs and do not open LTDs are just unlucky.  People hate the idea that they are unlucky.

ProTip: The root of this problem is your perceived expectation of return, and the frequency with which it is returned.


Quote from IRISHLIONX >> Quote from MattyRey47 >> Quote from IRISHLIONX >>


Quote from MattyRey47 >> Quote from IRISHLIONX >>  It's  a video game   

 Super Mario bros is a video game, madden and more specifically the Mut game mode is far more than just a video game. It’s a real time strategy game with a hint of playing the stock market. And the problem is with madden unlike any other video game there is a lot going on behind the scenes that can not be accounted for. If I press jump in Mario, I know that little guy is going to do the exact same jump animation 100% of the time. If I have someone down my scope in COD and shoot them in the face 100% of the time that’s a kill.


Quote from IRISHLIONX >>  It's  a video game   

 Super Mario bros is a video game, madden and more specifically the Mut game mode is far more than just a video game. It’s a real time strategy game with a hint of playing the stock market. And the problem is with madden unlike any other video game there is a lot going on behind the scenes that can not be accounted for. If I press jump in Mario, I know that little guy is going to do the exact same jump animation 100% of the time. If I have someone down my scope in COD and shoot them in the face 100% of the time that’s a kill. That certainty does not exist in Madden and when that certainty does not exist it leads people to believe that they are being manipulated because from a game to game basis the cards do not seem to act the same way and that can be very frustrating. I understand the RNG aspect of the stats and how they react but there are times where it feels like the RNG is just against you and it would be great for EA to confirm that this is simple bad luck and there isn’t something that can cause the RNG to actively work against you


In a world where Wireless phone carriers are throttling so you upgrade to more GB or get rid of your unlimited plan and Apple sending updates to make older version of their phones run slower so you buy the newer models.  And we are arguing that there is no DDA is laughable.  There is definitely something in the game to have teams perform better to entice people to spend money.


Quote from CongressmanRules1 >> Quote from ThermonuclearDud >> Quote from sumthing_awesome


It's  a video game


Quote from chandlerr85 >> Quote from jaybird13 >> After listening to the Q&A with Clint Oldenburg on the latest MutMen podcast, I'm convinced the developers aren't fully aware of what all is in the code of the game. 

 I said the same thing on the clint thread.  I'm not convinced he understands everything under the hood, nor would any single person I think.  I think EA devs are highly compartmentalized, so it's possible neither him nor Kraelo would know of its existence.


Quote from ThermonuclearDud >> Quote from sumthing_awesome >> There are no set pack odds. This is the problem. It's why my level 8 Farm account pulls higher Objective Daily Quick Sells than my level 50 account, which is absolutely absurd given that the max a Level 50 can pull is 450K. I have only pulled 6K quicksells EVERY DAY since hitting Level 50 the first weekend Level 50 was available.


OP couldnt be more spot on


Quote from sumthing_awesome >> There are no set pack odds. This is the problem. It's why my level 8 Farm account pulls higher Objective Daily Quick Sells than my level 50 account, which is absolutely absurd given that the max a Level 50 can pull is 450K. I have only pulled 6K quicksells EVERY DAY since hitting Level 50 the first weekend Level 50 was available. 

What's worse is that my chances of pulling a Limited card is not the same as everyone else. Meaning, the pack odds are throttled and manipulated for every user. Utter pathetic garbage. You should have seen what I pulled from my 15 win WL rewards when I got back from a 2 week vacation because they saw I did not play for so long. I didn't strike GOLD with those packs... I struck DIAMOND. Amazing pulls left and right along with a LTD Foles at the time.


Quote from bethro01 >> Quote from MattyRey47 >> If what is coded into the game is not called DDA/Equalizer then people like KRAELO and Clint Oldenburg saying that they are not in the game is not them lying to us. But we are asking the wrong question by asking if those are in the game. We should be asking a less specific question. And if I get an on the record “No” to this by anyone from EA I will believe it. If the answer is anything other than a pure “No” and along the lines of “Not that I am aware of” I honestly consider it to be a yes because you refuse to go on the record and say “No this is not possible in the game”


Quote from Steverayls >> Quote from moores4 >> Quote from sumthing_awesome


Quote from moores4 >> Quote from sumthing_awesome >> There are no set pack odds. This is the problem. It's why my level 8 Farm account pulls higher Objective Daily Quick Sells than my level 50 account, which is absolutely absurd given that the max a Level 50 can pull is 450K. I have only pulled 6K quicksells EVERY DAY since hitting Level 50 the first weekend Level 50 was available.


Quote from sumthing_awesome >> There are no set pack odds. This is the problem. It's why my level 8 Farm account pulls higher Objective Daily Quick Sells than my level 50 account, which is absolutely absurd given that the max a Level 50 can pull is 450K. I have only pulled 6K quicksells EVERY DAY since hitting Level 50 the first weekend Level 50 was available. 

What's worse is that my chances of pulling a Limited card is not the same as everyone else. Meaning, the pack odds are throttled and manipulated for every user. Utter pathetic garbage. You should have seen what I pulled from my 15 win WL rewards when I got back from a 2 week vacation because they saw I did not play for so long. I didn't strike GOLD with those packs... I struck DIAMOND. Amazing pulls left and right along with a LTD Foles at the time.


Quote from jaybird13 >> After listening to the Q&A with Clint Oldenburg on the latest MutMen podcast, I'm convinced the developers aren't fully aware of what all is in the code of the game. 

 I said the same thing on the clint thread.  I'm not convinced he understands everything under the hood, nor would any single person I think.  I think EA devs are highly compartmentalized, so it's possible neither him nor Kraelo would know of its existence.


Quote from MattyRey47 >> If what is coded into the game is not called DDA/Equalizer then people like KRAELO and Clint Oldenburg saying that they are not in the game is not them lying to us. But we are asking the wrong question by asking if those are in the game. We should be asking a less specific question. And if I get an on the record “No” to this by anyone from EA I will believe it. If the answer is anything other than a pure “No” and along the lines of “Not that I am aware of” I honestly consider it to be a yes because you refuse to go on the record and say “No this is not possible in the game” There should be 2 questions asked and they are: 1. Is there anything coded into Madden/MUT other than pack odds themselves that can affect my potential pull.


There are no set pack odds. This is the problem. It's why my level 8 Farm account pulls higher Objective Daily Quick Sells than my level 50 account, which is absolutely absurd given that the max a Level 50 can pull is 450K. I have only pulled 6K quicksells EVERY DAY since hitting Level 50 the first weekend Level 50 was available. 

What's worse is that my chances of pulling a Limited card is not the same as everyone else. Meaning, the pack odds are throttled and manipulated for every user. Utter pathetic garbage. You should have seen what I pulled from my 15 win WL rewards when I got back from a 2 week vacation because they saw I did not play for so long. I didn't strike GOLD with those packs... I struck DIAMOND. Amazing pulls left and right along with a LTD Foles at the time.


No DDA I still suck at H2H. If there were an DDA my W/L would be a lot better lol


Quote from MattyRey47 >> Quote from mvandor >> What has not come out of EA is a logical explanation for why EA spent money on patent applications and conference documents and presentations if none of this exists?

 Potentially it is an idea they had and never followed through with... companies will patten and trademark many ideas that they never intend to use but if an employee ever left them by this idea being patented then they can’t just take it and use with their new employer