
I welcome the users that run Dickerson, Sanders, Bo with Vick, Lamar or Wilson...

It is just too funny that you will get certain players using the same plays and Def formation. Do these players just look up youtube and run whatever these so called pro madden players suggest??? You know who you are....bring may get one good run from me but thats it and you will quit before halftime. LOL




You just named all the good mut cards.


Dickerson and Wilson are the good cards really, Sanders is the easiest RB to tackle, Vick is the easiest QB to tackle and is the worst passer of the 3. Wilson literally can't miss and is super hard to sack in my experience.


I've been running into mahomes a shit ton lately


I do too...but they don't usually run Mahomes in my experience so i didn't add Mahomes in my rant. lol


Wilson has very good throwing stats, not sure why your assuming people with him will use the same plays and formations or just run cheese plays.


Wilson is the best out of them all truly, he has been by far the hardest to contain and sack. And i wasn't assuming if you had these players you are running cheese plays, i'm just calling out the users that are. I ran into good players using Wilson, but that it...majority who has Lamar or Vick just run cheese stretch run and roll-out deep pass.


I get what you mean, you are right a lot do run cheese plays with those player. Although I played someone with powered up 99 Vick the other day (Not the GT), and he didnt run once, whole game. I thought why have him, get Wilson or Mahomes lol.


you must be new to MUT


Yes, only my 2nd year playing ridiculous playing different users that literally use the same plays on offense and Defense over and over again.




In Today's news, "Old Man Yells at Car".


legit lol


I have Dickerson and Vick not because I want to run cheese. I have a Falcons theme team and they are the best players with Falcons chem on their position.


The good players have these guys on their team, show restraint in using them by passing the ball all over you, then when you least expect it they pop off a couple runs for big gains. At least that's what I do and it shreds defenses.


I wonder the same since FA and color smash..... 9 out of 10 games I see these players in the top 3 and I know what I'm into.. cheese cheese cheese...


wait you forgot clowney!