
This Method of Upgrading ST is What Power Ups Should Have Been to Start M18

"Oh, we just released a newer version of Player X, add tokens/cards/etc. to upgrade your older version to the newest one released (NAT or not)"

Maybe not on the NAT aspect since that is the biggest complaint this year. But even if it were NAT, if EA was able to tier out the cost requirements correctly, and not make it seem so expensive/difficult to power up players, it would've been a much easier pill to swallow by the community.


Quote from autorich >> Would've been cool if power ups had objectives for you to do with them instead of tokens. Oh well never wasted my time/coins on any except Eli as he is my favorite player

 That would've been cool too. Especially if the power ups were NAT


Would've been cool if power ups had objectives for you to do with them instead of tokens. Oh well never wasted my time/coins on any except Eli as he is my favorite player


Quote from crzysportsfan26 >> Agreed lol


Quote from Steverayls >> I am 100 percent against power ups but I actually think this is a good one. Your ST gets plus 2 ovr and u get to change his chem. So with the right chem he atleast goes to a 98. That toughness chem is the worst one in my opinion. Judging by the prices on the auction block most of the community feels the same way. Throw in some motivators who knows might get to a 99 

 Yup that's my point. There are a number of ways power ups could've been done that would've made it so much better for MUT. This is one good way considering you get a 97 out of it. I think a buddy of mine got Megatron up to a 99...granted he also had John Madden HC.


I am 100 percent against power ups but I actually think this is a good one. Your ST gets plus 2 ovr and u get to change his chem. So with the right chem he atleast goes to a 98. That toughness chem is the worst one in my opinion. Judging by the prices on the auction block most of the community feels the same way. Throw in some motivators who knows might get to a 99


The reason they’re nat is so people stop farming and abusing the market. What’s so hard to understand about that?


Quote from cougarob >> Jyun hope all is well my friend!  This IS a power-up set:  pay coins for an upgrade that you can't sell.  The idea to upgrade the MUT master card is a great one, but the problem from day 1 of the game is why on earth is the MUT master card NAT to begin with?  And why are power-up cards NAT?  What if you want to use Earl Thomas or Ed Reed or motivator Mathieu instead?  Like every other version of MUT, you should have control to put Sean T in your lineup, sell him, trade him to a friend.  Not have to pay coins to make your NAT card a little better and still be NAT.

 Yup I edited the NAT aspect of it. But I think there was a much better way to pitch it to people. Frankly, this is how I thought it would be to start the year when they announced it which made me excited...and then I saw the actual cost


Quote from jyun127 >>  "Oh, we just released a newer version of Player X, add tokens/cards/etc. to upgrade your older version to a NAT version (maybe) of the newest one released"

...not the giant coin sink it became in NAT'18 :(

I completely agree.


Quote from jyun127 >> Quote from aliaslloyd >> What's the difference in adding 200k worth of tokens vs a 200k card though?

Quote from ssamy777


Jyun hope all is well my friend!  This IS a power-up set:  pay coins for an upgrade that you can't sell.  The idea to upgrade the MUT master card is a great one, but the problem from day 1 of the game is why on earth is the MUT master card NAT to begin with?  And why are power-up cards NAT?  What if you want to use Earl Thomas or Ed Reed or motivator Mathieu instead?  Like every other version of MUT, you should have control to put Sean T in your lineup, sell him, trade him to a friend.  Not have to pay coins to make your NAT card a little better and still be NAT.


Quote from JordanF0705 >> Quote from jyun127 >>  "Oh, we just released a newer version of Player X, add tokens/cards/etc. to upgrade your older version to a NAT version of the newest one released"

...not the giant coin sink it became in NAT'18 :(

 What's the difference in a giant coin sink into tokens for a powerup NAT card and putting a NAT Card into a set? It's still one giant coin sink...


Its still a coin sink.. cost of 250k to upgrade a players OVR by 2


Quote from jyun127 >>  "Oh, we just released a newer version of Player X, add tokens/cards/etc. to upgrade your older version to a NAT version of the newest one released"

...not the giant coin sink it became in NAT'18 :(

 What's the difference in a giant coin sink into tokens for a powerup NAT card and putting a NAT Card into a set? It's still one giant coin sink...


Couldn’t agree more


Quote from aliaslloyd >> What's the difference in adding 200k worth of tokens vs a 200k card though?

Quote from ssamy777 >> You do realize we’re still sinking coins into upgrading Sean taylor? 

 200k for a 95 to a 97. Others have spent millions to get to 94 and lesser OVR players. If you tier/spread it out correctly it's a much easier sell to consumers. Plus, tokens are a lot easier to come by through normal pack openings. Whereas some of these players for the Power Ups are a bit more of a grind.


Regret doing power ups now that I'm low on coins. Guess ppl made too much coins on Milestone's last year.


You do realize we’re still sinking coins into upgrading Sean taylor?


What's the difference in adding 200k worth of tokens vs a 200k card though?


Agreed lol