
Quick question

Will the 12 players I get from playoff teams be eligible to go into playoff master sets for Ramsey and Smith etc etc


Thanks for the info MrJ, I'll start the slow grind towards Jalen Ramsey now. Maybe by end of March I can knock them all out for Deion Sanders


Quote from AirRaidAssassin >> If the master set for deion is a permanent set with no end date, I might do it slowly. If it ends at the end of the month I might work towards it but probably not. I got a fewof the more spendy players for sets so I'll start slowly grinding those out. 

 Kraelo has confirmed that all of the playoff content is permanent. Players are in packs for good and sets and solos will not expire


If the master set for deion is a permanent set with no end date, I might do it slowly. If it ends at the end of the month I might work towards it but probably not. I got a fewof the more spendy players for sets so I'll start slowly grinding those out.


Yes all of them will be eligible for the captain sets, however once you finish the set they won’t be returned. You will get the 95 captain for the team that can be used in the set to complete the Deion. If you plan on doing the Deion set, the 95 captains you get will be returned to you as Non-auction/trade


Yes they're just nat


Will the 12 players I get from playoff teams be eligible to go into playoff master sets for Ramsey and Smith etc etc