
Enjoying MUT much more after selling my team

ive seen people post this very thing before, and this playoff promo finally pushed me to the limit. I’m running with a mostly NAT team (still 92ovr) with as many Broncos players as I could find, and it’s so much more fun. I’m trying a lot more stuff when I do play H2H and don’t really care if I lose because the team isn’t nearly as good. I’ll probably buy again after TOTY or SB, but I’m the meantime I’m enjoying just playing for fun and using all of my fav Broncos players. Oh, and using Broncos unis instead of those stupid glow in the dark zc ones smh


Quote from ssamy777 >> Quote from i4luvofthegame >> Quote from ssamy777 >>


Quote from i4luvofthegame >> Quote from ssamy777 >> Lol this clown just said a 92 overall team isn’t that good... hahahaha wow. 

 "Isn't nearly as good." Read next time 

 Nearly as good as what exactly?? Lmfao


Quote from ssamy777 >> Lol this clown just said a 92 overall team isn’t that good... hahahaha wow. 

 I think youre the clown here sir. he never said anything about 92 team not being good...


Quote from ssamy777 >> Lol this clown just said a 92 overall team isn’t that good... hahahaha wow. 

 "Isn't nearly as good." Read next time

NICe man! Enjoy!


Lol this clown just said a 92 overall team isn’t that good... hahahaha wow.


ive seen people post this very thing before, and this playoff promo finally pushed me to the limit. I’m running with a mostly NAT team (still 92ovr) with as many Broncos players as I could find, and it’s so much more fun. I’m trying a lot more stuff when I do play H2H and don’t really care if I lose because the team isn’t nearly as good. I’ll probably buy again after TOTY or SB, but I’m the meantime I’m enjoying just playing for fun and using all of my fav Broncos players. Oh, and using Broncos unis instead of those stupid glow in the dark zc ones smh