
Is Madden the most frustrating game out there?

i'm not trying to bring negativity, just speaking from my own experience, but i have to ask. have you ever played or still playing a game that is more frustrating than madden?


Ooooh yeah

Day Z. Nuff said.


Quote from NYM_NYG_UNC_BULLS >> I play halo, and suck; I have fun

I play madden and win 75% of my games and never have fun (unless I play squads with friends)

so for me, it is. 

cant speak for anyone else

 Lol.. me too  I play cod i rage i play Madden I rage  I have a problem


Quote from badasbeach25 >> This is definitely the only game that makes me want to throw my controller and punch the tv... 

 lol this. If i'm playing COD  and I die, you get to come right back in, no biggy but Madden is a different animal


100% most frustrating game.


Quote from jman1cin >> I get that it is a business and their out to sell content but just because you have no competition doesn't mean you should put out a flawed and glitch filled game 

i still play 17 and around 10 h2h games per day and it's just so crazy how the games are scripted and you see things that you have no reasonable explanation for them, nothing you can do about them, for example your player freezes, your ut wr drops back to back wide open passes, 5'10 receivers make catches over 6'3 boss cb's and etc


Quote from acartillo >> if you think Madden is frustrating, wait till you see what games women have in store for you :lol:

 lol. thank god that i'm out of this game.... was way more expensive than the 60 dollars for the new madden


if you think Madden is frustrating, wait till you see what games women have in store for you :lol:


I get that it is a business and their out to sell content but just because you have no competition doesn't mean you should put out a flawed and glitch filled game


Quote from badasbeach25 >> This is definitely the only game that makes me want to throw my controller and punch the tv... 

 man. i yell and scream like crazy when i play this game, i'm always afraid the neighbors will think that they have a psycho neighbor with all the screams they hear from my apartment


Quote from NYM_NYG_UNC_BULLS >> I play halo, and suck; I have fun

I play madden and win 75% of my games and never have fun (unless I play squads with friends)

so for me, it is. 

cant speak for anyone else

 this is so true. honestly winning in madden is only a relief, not a sense of fun


Quote from badasbeach25 >> This is definitely the only game that makes me want to throw my controller and punch the tv... 

 ^^^^ 💯


This is definitely the only game that makes me want to throw my controller and punch the tv...


Madden is just a bad game simple

I play halo, and suck; I have fun

I play madden and win 75% of my games and never have fun (unless I play squads with friends)

so for me, it is. 

cant speak for anyone else


Quote from originald1ssent >> Quote from FanboyOfNone >> Quote from originald1ssent


Quote from FanboyOfNone >> Quote from originald1ssent >> XCOM 2 is definitely up there w/ it's RNG magic, but Madden has to take the cake on sheer lack of play-stability and overall community toxicity.  Playing MUT is like running the Darkzone in The Division, but in the DZ, I don't have to pay for bosses to appear, and the rogues only take a few seconds to ruin my experience, instead of 4 quarters.


Quote from originald1ssent >> XCOM 2 is definitely up there w/ it's RNG magic, but Madden has to take the cake on sheer lack of play-stability and overall community toxicity.  Playing MUT is like running the Darkzone in The Division, but in the DZ, I don't have to pay for bosses to appear, and the rogues only take a few seconds to ruin my experience, instead of 4 quarters.

Survival genre games like Rust would compete there.

You appear in the game with nothing.  You have to drink and eat to survive.  You need to build campfires to stay warm.  By the time you create a bow and kill an animal to eat, there's a 70/30 chance some highly advanced jerk with a machine gun mows you down.  Good game, try again.  :wink:


XCOM 2 is definitely up there w/ it's RNG magic, but Madden has to take the cake on sheer lack of play-stability and overall community toxicity.  Playing MUT is like running the Darkzone in The Division, but in the DZ, I don't have to pay for bosses to appear, and the rogues only take a few seconds to ruin my experience, instead of 4 quarters.


Quote from mottiyos >> Quote from FanboyOfNone >> Well, the whole point of the Dark Souls franchise is to be unforgivingly frustrating.  Super Meat Boy is frustrating for a retro-platformer.  Surgeon Simulator and Ampu-Tea both involve using virtual hands, and the controls are intentionally frustrating.  Some of the Ninja Gaiden games were extremely difficult.  Same with Devil May Cry, IMO.