
Best TE ?

I have Tony G and Tier 3 Gronk as backup, and was thinking about selling Tony G and getting TOTY Gronk for the next power up, but I feel as if Tony G is still the best TE in the game, for 3 months running. Thoughts?


We better get an OP 99ovr Jeremy Shockey again this year. That's what I'm waiting on. That or someone comparable to Combine Vernon Davis from last year.


Bo Jackson is sick with that 94 speed.


I have a Winslow 93, Hunter Henry 91 , OOp combo. It is working well for my budget.


Quote from Twiztidbones >> I read that Sharpe is unstoppable but pretty pricy

 I just picked up Shannon to pair with Bo for cheesy TE play. Hopefully Shannon is worth the coin 😁


I read that Sharpe is unstoppable but pretty pricy


I have playoff kelce and he’s been solid I also liked bo Jackson there I haven’t looked at the new gronk tho so he might be better than who I mentioned so I would go with one of them honestly


I have Tony G and Tier 3 Gronk as backup, and was thinking about selling Tony G and getting TOTY Gronk for the next power up, but I feel as if Tony G is still the best TE in the game, for 3 months running. Thoughts?