We better get an OP 99ovr Jeremy Shockey again this year. That's what I'm waiting on. That or someone comparable to Combine Vernon Davis from last year.
I have a Winslow 93, Hunter Henry 91 , OOp combo. It is working well for my budget.
Quote from Twiztidbones >> I read that Sharpe is unstoppable but pretty pricy
I just picked up Shannon to pair with Bo for cheesy TE play. Hopefully Shannon is worth the coin 😁
I have playoff kelce and he’s been solid I also liked bo Jackson there I haven’t looked at the new gronk tho so he might be better than who I mentioned so I would go with one of them honestly
I have Tony G and Tier 3 Gronk as backup, and was thinking about selling Tony G and getting TOTY Gronk for the next power up, but I feel as if Tony G is still the best TE in the game, for 3 months running. Thoughts?