
Best day for sellers to maximize profit?

safe to say we should hold off a few days to a week to sell high ovr toty cards?


I'd say today would be the smart time. Before their available to every who didn't do their totw or didn't pull who they wanted.


The offense i think you want to get rid of before theres sets. If you can get a crazy price now id do it, if not theyll level off until WL people drive them up again. Friday night and saturday on the offense, again, unless you can get prime coin today. Market always slows down sunday and you dont want to be holding it when the sets open up next monday. 

Defense is going to tank for the rest of the week, last year they got really cheap before the offensive release and then slowly recovered once th epacks focused the offense.


safe to say we should hold off a few days to a week to sell high ovr toty cards?