
Casey Hayward Thoughts?

what do y’all think about him? I pulled him so now I have him paired with 95 Ramsey and 92 Fuller at Nickel! I haven’t played with him yet but do y’all think he’s good?


He's doing gross for me


Quote from Herropepore >> I pulled him too, he’s what you would expect in coverage with 91 zone and he‘s good for a fumble once in awhile and he’s a good tackler. They fucked him over with 90 speed so you won’t get too much longevity out of him if he’s nat. he’s a stud Rn tho 

 Yeah that speed really hurt the card but I think I’ll make it work for now! And sadly he is nat


I pulled him too, he’s what you would expect in coverage with 91 zone and he‘s good for a fumble once in awhile and he’s a good tackler. They fucked him over with 90 speed so you won’t get too much longevity out of him if he’s nat. he’s a stud Rn tho


what do y’all think about him? I pulled him so now I have him paired with 95 Ramsey and 92 Fuller at Nickel! I haven’t played with him yet but do y’all think he’s good?