
Twitch Prime Extra Tokens?

I was looking at the Twitch Prime program and noticed a couple of things that have led me to believe we will be getting a bunch of tokens with the last legend.

1) If you signed up at the beginning the you would get 25 players and 29 tokens (one with each and White came with 4 extra). That means you can do seven upgrades and then be left with one token left over. Why make it so there is an extra one?

2) The Twitch Prime chemistry goes to tier 4 and that requires 12 players. Now the 83 cards don't have the Twitch chem and as pointed out in #1 you can only upgrade seven to 90. That means there would be no way to get tier 3 or 4. Doesn't make sense to include those if there is no way to reach them.

So I'm thinking we might get enough tokens to upgrade them all to 90 or at lease enough to get 12 upgraded. What do you all think?

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