
Did the daily objective QS change? I haven't seen a change in the amount in 2 weeks.

Previously it was all over the place usually the low amount but 10k here 15k there 4k there.

Last two weeks without even 1 day altering its been 5k.

anyone else seeing this?  or did EA just put me on a special FU list judging by all the byards i got.  I guess ill know in a few hours if I get the TOTY FB.


I have only hit 5k for about tghe last 20 times I have done them. The max I have hit is 15k


i hit for 4k just now


Quote from Oil710 >> I opened lik 15 at once 12 of them were 5k. So yeah 

 thanks for the info.  i think that confirms the 5k pulls are waaaay up.


I’ve gotten 5k for the past 2 weeks until today I got 10k


Quote from donthavethetime >> Previously it was all over the place usually the low amount but 10k here 15k there 4k there.

Last two weeks without even 1 day altering its been 5k.

anyone else seeing this?  or did EA just put me on a special FU list judging by all the byards i got.  I guess ill know in a few hours if I get the TOTY FB.

 I'm in the same exact boat.


I opened lik 15 at once 12 of them were 5k. So yeah


Got 15,000 once and actually got 50,000 last night and improved to level 40. But mostly 4,000.


5k would be great for me 

I did hit 15k once !!!!!


I hit a couple of 10k and one 15k last week, then it was back to the daily 5k grind lol.


I get 5k every day.  I hit 50k once about a month ago.  My next best was 20k once.  All the rest have been less than that.


5K for life. At this point I think every pic of higher is doctored, lol


I had a span of 3 days where I hit 10k, 15k, and a 50k.  Now for the last month i've had nothing but 5k.


Quote from CryptoBlazerz2 >> I hadn't gotten over 15 k all year

Then Friday I got 50k

And Saturday I got 350k

 Dang, nice man.


100k last Wednesday. My highest q s to date


Quote from Drew_412 >> Quote from Braskilla >> im on a 25 day streak of 5ks, i kid u not

 Idk if its been 25 days for me, but atleast a few weeks lol

 EA hates the members of FATE lol


Quote from Braskilla >> im on a 25 day streak of 5ks, i kid u not

 Idk if its been 25 days for me, but atleast a few weeks lol


I hadn't gotten over 15 k all year

Then Friday I got 50k

And Saturday I got 350k


Nope, last week was good to me, I pulled a 50k, 25k, and a 10k. My farm account on the other hand, rarely gets any above 2k


I hit 75k over the weekend. That was my high for the year. Hit 10 and 15k over past week as well.


Quote from WizDragonXbox >> got 75k today.. way better than 5k

 congrats Wiz.  always happy to see good peeps get rewards.