

I’m literally so pissed right now, I was in a playoff game in seasons and got disconnected. Apparently I had a connection problem. 10 seconds after the first notification of the disconnection came the game disconnected me and I took a loss in the first minute of the game. Anyone else ever experience this? Why does MUT allow for such long 30 second pauses (max of 5), but kicks you out of a game so quick if you are having internet problems. It’s possible I got disconnected because I’m in the part Midwest that is having -50 degree wind chills smh.


What I can’t stand is when you load into a game it’s goes no where and you have to dashboard after a while resulting in a loss :/


I made one super bowl. I just touched the ball and this same shit happened to me.

But God Forbid my opponent who's had bad connection and the same warning pop up all game get kicked out of the game causing lag and I can't even pick a play.

Only time it's happened to is in my Super Bowl. God this game is frustrating


I’m literally so pissed right now, I was in a playoff game in seasons and got disconnected. Apparently I had a connection problem. 10 seconds after the first notification of the disconnection came the game disconnected me and I took a loss in the first minute of the game. Anyone else ever experience this? Why does MUT allow for such long 30 second pauses (max of 5), but kicks you out of a game so quick if you are having internet problems. It’s possible I got disconnected because I’m in the part Midwest that is having -50 degree wind chills smh.