Had these games and they go both ways. I have had my team pull off crazy stuff that I'm not nearly good enough to have it do. So I agree there is help given by the computer, but for me I tend to benefit from it as much as get screwed by it. When the computer is against me...a quick polite concede and the pain stops.
Some games things just don't go your way. Idk about DDA but I know I believe in that
I believe naive people that don't understand probability have a hallucinatory religious belief in DDA.
I think WL proves there is DDA in Madden, the amount of times I start 6 - 0 / 7 - 1 and end up going on a losing streak to be 13 - 12. Won 5 in a row the other week, next game Fumbled the kickoff, next drive 3 dropped passes in a row, his next drive HB stopped in the backfield by 3 defenders, breaks free for 75 yard TD, 14 - 0 down after 1 minute lol.
I am not a great player, but this happens too often for it just to be me, or the quality of my opponent.
You want to have more proof DDA is in madden? You know I was saying that every game practically is close and to me that tells me right away dda is in madden but I will go further than that....... go to the leaderboard’s and just look at the top 100 and look at “avg. points for “and look at the “ avg points against” these are supposedly the best players in the game or just play a lot and yet the average is still 4.5 points. Because every game is close = D. D. A.
The issue is that the game rewards people for bad play. Throw it into triple coverage, no pick. Next play, game winning TD against you. Make a guy fumble, your team, coach, and the fans couldn't scoop it up, next play, TD. Guy runs 25 yards backwards on 4th and 20, throws a laser for a 1st down. Guy throws the ball and has a diving animation, i should be able to crack him and force an incompletion, nope, my defender doesn't even matter. Imagine kids not having shit possession catch animations?
Basically the game caters to the wimpy teenage generation where everybody gets a trophy and everybody gets another chance after fucking up 59 times. That's why it happens because if they punished everybody who was actually shit at the game for the mistakes they made, 95% of the customers would be gone.
I believe people blame DDA for not being as good as they think they are, and for the fact that when something lucky goes your way you think nothing of it, but when something lucky goes against you they freak out.
The amount of hate after they L is ridiculous. It's usually directed at Josh Allen QB (93 chems to 96). Always "he'd never do that it real life!" -- mind you, the video game Josh Allen is nothing compared to the real Josh Allen, who is withing 60 rushing yards of Kyler Murray (Lamar, Kyler, Josh in order for most yards) and Josh had more rushing TDs than every QB, including Lamar. So why he doesn't have escape artist is beyond me.
Anyhow ..
People always making an excuse for the L, but like homie, why don't you say anything about your Mays INT when you're beat by literally 6 yards and your back is to turned, when Tillman/Taylor sucks you in and blasts you and you fumble when on Conservative and holding R1, when your Clowney beats a double team w RB support, when your Night Train tips the ball and then somehow changes direction and INTs it before it hits the ground, and my personal favorite, when a 5'10" CB consistently wins a 1-on-1 jump ball with a 6'4" WR...
Like, we ALL have freak things happen in our favor and against us, but if you're not consistently good despite these things that happen to EVERYONE, maybe you're just not good...
Has nothing to do with being good, nobody is truly good at this piece of shit game due to the mechanics. Can you be good at manipulating the AI and mastering the cheese plays? Of course but that doesn't make you good, it makes you a person who is good at manipulating the AI. Maybe one day this game will have truly good players but right now, it's about who cheeses better and whose ability will work.
Prime example just right now: his ED (who is NOT activated or has abilities by the way) gets blasted by a hit stick RIGHT AFTER he executes a spin move and doesn’t fumble. Very Next play, he gets blasted CLEAN in the hole and doesn’t fumble. On my offensive possession, I throw it to Bo (who IS activated with abilities) and he makes the catch fully and turns upfield and takes two steps and gets hit by NTL and fumbles. Mind you it was the first play of my drive too. Luckily the ball landed out of bounds, but how do you explain that my guy? And the same game, VON MILLER of all people is squatting in his zone and able to cover TWO routes while my activated Willie Brown is getting torched left and right in man coverage by non 99 receivers. And like I said down there: nobody is gonna come on here and make a brag thread about a W they got cause the opponent got cheated. 😂 like. That’s what I’m saying. It works both in your favor and against you as well.
Edited by thighslikethor
The same people who say DDA exists will also tell you EA devs couldn't code a crossword puzzle app on a smartphone. I just don't know which one it could be. They suck at coding and that creates the goofy stuff, or they are genius' and made the game dynamically adjust on a whim to control the outcome of an online football game to achieve world domination.
Great point and I love that reasoning but..... what if there is 1 smart guy in charge of coding matchmaking, strength of schedule, and outcomes and he's on a separate floor from the clowns that are in charge of coding game play and AI logic?
I don’t know anything about coding so I couldn’t tell you. Something just fishy is all I can say 😂🤷🏼♂️
Denial is strong in the community. Why, I'll never understand.
Usually when they deny it, they're the losers benefitting from the bullshit
The tipped INTs have to stop. Too many times you should stop the opponent only for the ball to bounce off your defenders hands, giving then another chance to use a bullshit play to beat you. This game doesn't punish anybody for playing like a clown
It's clearly in the code. And the developers have admitted to simply code stacking every year rather than developing a new game. So, yea, it's in the game.
Edited by VoodooToo
I can kind of get it if there’s like a 4 or 5 point overall disparity. But don’t have it when one team is a 98 and the other is a 97. Like why? It’s tough out here on these Madden streets
Nope, no proof. It's just people that come on here and vent after a loss that say dda made them lose. Show me the proof and I will gladly admit I'm wrong.
Dumb stuff happens in this game no matter if I'm winning, losing, on a winning streak or on a losing streak. I can usually point to mistakes I made in a lot of my losses, but most people can't admit that they made a mistake or that the other person was just better.
People that believe in dda should really rethink playing this game since it effects your losses and wins. I don't really see many threads of people claiming that dda gave them the win.
You are aware that DDA code was data mined from FIFA PC and also that it could be easily hosted server side, right?
Yeah cause who gonna come on here and brag about a win that their opponent got cheated out of? 😂😂 I can admit when I play badly or make bad reads. But like I said down there, dude wasn’t outsmarting me. He wasn’t making good reads. He wasn’t even making adjustments lmao. Dude straight up tossed it to Sutton who was double covered to avoid a sack and the dude rag dolls the ball out of my guy’s hands. What ability gives you that power cause I’m gonna slap it on my receivers then lmao? And maxed Jerry Rice not being able to separate from maxed Pat Tillman on a streak? I dunno man. Stuff gets fishy sometimes. But I mean this game is broken. It’s just more broken in someone’s favor at times lmao.
The game is poorly coded and doesn't seem to be getting any better with that. Maybe next gen.
I don’t claim to be good but I can say I run my own scheme offensively and can pretty confidently say that NO base coverage can stop me. Unless you make some sort of adjustment or move guys around in certain places or you have an absolutely NASTY user, I can pretty easily read the defense you’re running and play off that. So for a guy to make NO adjustments and have a good user at best and still lock me is hard for me to believe.
It seems to have gotten worse after the update. If that’s even possible
Tough too cause I made a new team and was having fun and on a win streak. EA said “wtf you think you’re doing having fun and not spending money” 😂😂
They screw with your perfectly good cards to get you to buy new ones. The new cards aren’t any better star wise, but they aren’t nerfed like your current cards, giving you the illusion that they are better
I believe that honestly. All the threads about how dudes don’t perform as well when a new card drops. Like HOW convenient that you can just get a replacement right?
Was feeling the same thing today. Was 8-2 in wl and the went on a bender of 5 losses in a row. Couldn’t do anything and my players seemed to be slugs. Also the volleyball ints were on a whole new level. Ps. It was found in fifa a few years ago there actually was DDA and it was factual evidence so wouldn’t doubt it in another EA made game
Edited by haztroo
Yeah the tipped INTs are a whole ‘nother level of “wtf am I playing right now”
Not tryna be mean, but people that deny it either work for EA or they slow slow
Yup. Some games absolutely none of my routes work, even if the guy is playing everything over top and I run underneath routes and my linemen don’t block crap. And on defense what usually works to stop cheese doesn’t and my team can’t stop a grandmother running the ball For 200. And other games i get the opposite to benefit me. This is definitely a thing
They just haven’t seen it in full force. That shit hit me like a 100 mph fastball to the elbow. That’s when I jumped on board. 😂😂
I love you Thor , but yes I’m one of the guys who isn’t buying fully into DDA just yet
I pray for you then man. It will hit you like a damn semi truck one day. 😂😂 I didn’t either until it happened to me. Like blatantly. Like wtf even is this right now blatant. But I respect your opinion.
I said “just yet “ and still got downvoted lol wow . People get so emotional about this . Don’t get me wrong bro. I have experienced some BS games but most of the time i lose because I make horrible decisions .
One throw was lead too much I’ll admit that. But like I said above: it’s hard for me to believe someone is locking me when they make ZERO adjustments on defense and have a good user at best. And on offense, I knew his exact scheme from the first drive and he was still driving on me like nothing. Stuff like that is just tough for me to believe something fishy didn’t come into play for sure.
Back when they used to call it “the equalizer” there were some epic debates on here and there were a lot of people on either side. Now days I feel like most believe that some version of equalizer/sliders/DDA does exist.
Seen a thread the other day where a guy said something along the lines of “okay. Let’s just blame all our losses on this DDA myth” or something to that effect. I can admit when I played like shite and the opponent just couldn’t be stopped. But I’m skeptical of this game. 🤷🏼♂️
Just played a guy that ran the same exact defense and formation the whole game and got 4 tipped INTs on 4 straight offensive drives by me. Didn’t matter what I called. His Courtland Sutton playing like Randy Moss and catching over 2 guys. His Barry eating 2 hit sticks in a row and not fumbling. My maxed Jerry Rice unable to get separation from his Pat Tillman. Told y’all I was on a win streak and having fun and this brought me back down to Earth real quick lmao. 😂