
Am I playing the same guy over and over and over in WL?

Same exact 1 play on defense with the exact same adjustments. Strech and corner routes on offense same formation every time. All games are the same. It's so boring. I can run my FB up the middle chew the clock but they limit me to only a few plays and formations. What the hell? Is this fun being a copycat who only spams same plays as 99/100 do? What's the point. Cover 4 drop show 2 every play spread lbs press dbs x100000000000000000 wtf?


yea, have exactly the same feeling


I’m about to try and grind to 50 wins. I have a feeling that this is about to be very unpleasant


I have found the exact same thing... So they run whatever and I can counter with whatever and then wash and repeat. Solo Battles are more interesting as the computer changes it up. What I have started doing that works is... Concede when they do this and move on. About half the time (a little less) you get a good matchup. But as was pointed out to me (valid point I might add)... That my expectations are so low that I consider 50% enjoyment acceptable for a game I paid money to play. Had never considered that, but they ain't wrong.


This game sucks. What's the point of getting top cards if anyone can beat you with cheat plays unless you run same one play w 5 adjustments to stop it. This is insane. EA fix it now or lose a customer for life