LeBlanc is super cheap... And bad
I wouldn't call 1.5M cheap...and I only played one user with GT Leblanc, he was pretty solid and broke coverage for INTs from what I saw from one game. If you look at the his stats his 99 in almost every major category and with chem it will boost the ones that isn't 99 already....so is he really that bad?
Sold LeBlanc but keeping an eye on him as I'll need him on my squad for my Eagles theme!
I have opened a lot of draft packs with training. Could not tell you how many times my first pull in a group was a 96 or 97. At least 5 times I have opened 16+ in a group where my first pull was the only pull above 90. Congrats on the gt
Another EA staffer posting bs so I turn my 5k into a 900 coin gold card that will never sell x 500
Yeah there's no method. It's all random luck. Some accounts they are generous to. It depends on how much u spend. If ur s money, they gonna drain u till ur last dollar. They know we have addictions.
I had a similar experience back in 25 where I'd drop 100k a week on GAGP packs, after 4 months I came out about 20% ahead on average, and had the occasional big hitter
I would sell him now. People will be selling him Thursday to rip packs for the new GT's
All luck, and the odds are against you. No systems, EA has a department of statisticians working on MUT to ensure they win and we lose.
Ahh nice. Unfortunately i hate gambling and too scared to open more than 4
I mean they are just fake coins right? you can make 100-150k coins free in the challenges...so a few on these packs here and there is ok. Besides...most ppl have their teams stacked already...what else do we do with our coins?
I feel like to hit you need to at least open a crazy amount. I Think I just enough for 1 GT later and I’m done with solos a while back. Just can’t stand the grind. I only WL and H2H
No it’s not. You lucked out because you pulled a GT
GAGPs are far from a guaranteed profit but it is obviously profitable if you pull a GT player. Also quite a mess cleaning your binder afterwards if you go all in FYI. ^_^
I been testing spending coins on GAGP to get a GT last couple of days since i read some users have gotten them in this pack....after 2-300k over a course of a few days, last night i hit 97 UL so was super ecstatic and was convinced it is fun and now profitable...then I decide to spend a few coins this morning and on my 2nd pull.....I pulled a GT LeBlanc!!! WOW and this was also just pulling a 96 Peterson in Draft roll on the 1st pull! What a morning!.
Now thinking if I sell or play him...?