
Best FS?

I have PU megatron and I don’t user him much. Looking to switch it up considering I’ll never get his GT.


Dawkins hands down. Great zone coverage which is essential for a FS and put enforcer on him and the cpu will do work for you. gets so many big hitter animations its really nice.


Ronnie Lott if you don’t plan on using abilities on him. He gets so many computer hit sticks without enforcer and causes a ton of fumbles. Also great in coverage and gets good animations on deep balls. Brian Dawkins if you plan to run your FS with abilities.


Brian dawkins makes so many crazy plays for me. wheather its hit sticks, picking off passes that should be easy completions, getting in the backfield and shutting down run plays, or randomy stripping people even when im not usering him. he is insane and i dont even have abilities on him


I run ET3 and Budda


I like Ed Reed at FS. He plays great


Sean T but in 335 odd I always have him close to the LOS. He is an absolute baller there. Plays his yellows perfectly. Cant be bad over the top with the height + good zone.


I like Earl Thomas.