
86+ Re-Roll Pull Question

I have opened at least 500k training of re-rolls and haven’t seen any of the top 5 picks in packs here or anywhere else. Is there even a chance to pull the top 5 from the re-roll, and if you can’t then they need to specify that in the packs.


Yes, but the chances are low.


Not sure about top 5, but the 95's are definitely in there.


Actually you can. I just pulled 96 jeudy from the 86+ reroll.


None of the 2020 picks can be pulled from that re roll


They baddddly need to specify that, a lot of people are gonna be out of a lot of coins because it’s not specified


Top 5 picks from 2020 draft or the others like Cam?


Top 5 from 2020. If they can’t be pulled they NEED to specify that before they get the inevitable “EA is a scammy company”


I assume no. Also Wish it was more clear

Edited by Oil710


It got nerfed last night. It was iffy before that, but in the late parts of the draft it got smoked.


I can tell it got nerfed by a metric ton. I pulled 2 or so cams my first 200k training (I don’t know if that was dumb luck or not) and it took me all 500k to see a single one.


Yup, i'm down like 500k TP