
Price fixing kelvin you absolute muppet

I’ve been grinding so hard to be able to afford one at 2-2,3m but the constant adjustment and price fixing from 2-3 individuals makes it hard. I’ve been 100k away for 3 days and it’s just going upwards now 1 mill over the market value which has been pushed up A total of 400k on ps4.

Disgraceful fifa like idiocy. I’d buy one long time ago but muppets keep buying it at an extremely high price price. Oh and screw you EA for making it harder to pull these than win the lottery.

I just want the card for my theme but I don’t want to grind to make several hundreds of thousands coins daily.


I'll sell you mine for 2.5


It called supply and demand!


Don’t worry about it, he won’t make you win games


Definitely someone adjusting price. Ppl should be ashamed of themselves for taking part in it


Every weekend somone complains

the prices for GTs' are cheaper during the week

More demand ove the weekend for weekend league then everyone dumps them on Monday/tuesday


Read the thread. And respond to it


Dude some guy made this exact same thread last week cause he went up from 1.8 or so to the mid 2m

I followed KB's prices over the week.

He dropped down to 1.9 or so from Tuesday to Thursday

Follow trends and forecast what's gonna happen.

It's the weekend, his price will be higher, during the regular week, he will go back down


As a Kelvin Benjamin owner, he is absolutely worth the price. Considering Julio is still going for over 6 mil.


Just be patient. The price will drop. If not today, tomorrow night for sure. People should unload them after they are done with WL.

Edited by tribe585


Thanks man just so annoying trying for days to get him

