I think i get matched up against 1 person a weekend from MUTHead (to my knowledge based on same usernames).
Many "madden players" are using the features of this site to compare card stats and prices without creating an account or participating on forums. I know I did for a few years before registering.
I initially just joined so I could refresh card prices. Then stumbled upon the forums and I've been here ever since
It’s less than 1% now. Used to be 25% maybe maybe only 10%
Edited by user-4357148
I like muthead for comparing stats, upgrades, price checking, training value, but i do not have twitter, facebook, etc....lol
Edited by bbrewer23goblue
It’s like 5% bro
You’re so right, most people just play casually for fun. Those of us who are passionate enough about the game to turn it into a real hobby are here to converse and learn about the game.
Maybe less since the site turned into MUT-Reddit lol
How many people who play madden do you think utilize muthead? I feel like it’s gotta be under 50%. Also do you think there’s players who don’t even utilize twitter and are surprised each week by new golden tickets and content?