
Theme team ideas

Been playing all year just want to add a new aspect to the game. What’s your best opinion on theme teams from your experience or just overall fun.


50-50 colts here. Got to a 98. Cheaper then get every best player at each position. Plus when u been a goon squad or cheese rs it makes u feel better about ur self


Got a full Chiefs theme team and a full colts theme team. Both make me play a different aspect of the game. Very fun. I use Manning and the colts when I wanna ground and pound the ball, and throw a lob up to Marvin when they bite on the run. Chiefs theme team is when I have fun. Just throwing dots all over the field with mahomes. Whatever ur preference is man.


Full Raiders is tons of fun. I like that they actually have weapons on offense and their defense is scary as hell. I ran a Rams theme previously and the defense was solid but they lacked weapons on offense. Usually found myself going through Dickerson or Tony G who wasn’t even a Ram lmao.


Was actually thinking of doing raiders. Have 99 Hendricks and still waiting for that UL Bo.. if it even comes out


Yeah I’m running Dickerson for now with Allen and Bo backing him up. Rice and Waller activated is basically forcing the user to pick one and leave the other with the computer, which is a grave mistake most of the time. Overall, a lot of weapons and defense is so fun with three activated linemen lmao.