I started late this year during my winter break and thought I would just casually play and not worry about catching up. Yesterday i got my team to a 96 with madden tier 3, maxed out Ricky, maxed out sprinter , picked up the last couple player I wanted (within reason) and almost finished of the Shaz upgrade objectives (200 passing yards to go). Being NMS spent is definitely easier this year, but damn that was a lot of madden in 6 weeks.
I started late this year during my winter break and thought I would just casually play and not worry about catching up. Yesterday i got my team to a 96 with madden tier 3, maxed out Ricky, maxed out sprinter , picked up the last couple player I wanted (within reason) and almost finished of the Shaz upgrade objectives (200 passing yards to go). Being NMS spent is definitely easier this year, but damn that was a lot of madden in 6 weeks.