
Any point in playing once Coach Madden maxed out?

Honest question... I think I’m tired of the grind... wondering if I’ll play again next year... Madden is maxed and team is 98. Basically only waiting to get Walter Payton and that’s about it as a Bears fan. What keeps y’all going? PS - this is my 4th or 5th MUT season.


I can’t believe you kept him up I gave up after the speed boost


They should let you carry something over to the next year.


Yeah, I've been saying it for a while, but they need to change up the "Loyalty" program from the last months of MUT to those who grinded out a certain number of Master Sets, WL games, etc.


Nah the first month is by far the most fun to me because it is actually rewarding to play solos and pull packs because pretty much anything is helpful, starting the year with all elites takes the fun out of it


No. I am in the same boat, will max out the coach this week and no reason to torture myself defending the same 3 plays any more.


Right? I'll probably just win a quick 5 to 10 and not sweat it out for the 100K.


I don’t have any madden collection I always took the coin. Run a 35/50 theme and just maxed their stats up.


What's the point in maxing coach Madden out if you don't play after you do


I completely understand what your saying, I guess its as mentioned by Jbcho1, I have spent so much time getting 8 slots filled, it just seems wrong to stop until he is finished lol.


This is a great question. I think there are quite a few people who play for the "achievement" of different tasks / sets / levels. I'm probably one of those guys. I'll likely play less games, but still play here and there.


I am also on 98, but still need 1500 trophies to max him out, once ive done that and Journey 4 is done, that will be it for me.

Like a couple of months break, before I start again in August lol

Edited by Redskins1791


Haha, right? I feel this reply.

I play a lot less WL now that coach Madden is full. I try to do the weekly objectives for packs but that’s about it. I play much more seasons and draft now.


For me, yes. For you, well that's up to you. If you don't have fun, don't play.




I still enjoy the chess match in H2H and WL. Its satisfying to beat the cheesers now more than ever lol


I don’t think people running the same 1-2 plays is a chess match.


if you can't stop it is. You have to change something and figure out how to stop it. If you do stop it then they have to 1) do something different 2) continue to run the play and get crushed 3) quit...all are satisfying lol


Sameeee lol


I've maxed out my ravens TT and got every player as high as they can go. Now ive started dropping some players to try out different non ravens players. Dont care if i win or lose anymore just try to have fun with it. When its not fun no more to me then ill stop.


Bump for thoughts.


Do what makes you happy whether thats Madden or any other game - I just got my 3rd madden coach chem and im pumped lol

Edited by thefitnesscru