For those who are hesitant to do the set:Keep in mind that many of the diamond power ups go for big coin-that and popular theme teamers need 3x chemistry-so while Mike Brown seems like he wouldn’t sell at 75k compared to many safeties better-I sold him yesterday for 79k -
Currently you’ll need at least 450k coins and 200k training and you’ll complete the set in 2 days with NTL and profit-NTL power up sells for 180k -the card alone is near 600k -no way you could lose-1st set you do should be the ones where the training pack gave out at least 2 90’s+
For those who are hesitant to do the set:Keep in mind that many of the diamond power ups go for big coin-that and popular theme teamers need 3x chemistry-so while Mike Brown seems like he wouldn’t sell at 75k compared to many safeties better-I sold him yesterday for 79k - Currently you’ll need at least 450k coins and 200k training and you’ll complete the set in 2 days with NTL and profit-NTL power up sells for 180k -the card alone is near 600k -no way you could lose-1st set you do should be the ones where the training pack gave out at least 2 90’s+