If you're plan is to sell and get the most coins... you gotta just go with what the pricing data shows. A lot of things influence the market. My guess is that people were stockpiling the Moss NFL 100 cards until his UL was released and now they are dumping them which pushes the price down a bit.
I'm a bit confused, I was straight shot on picking 95 Moss because he was selling for about 170k, but then I checked on 95 RIce and he's selling for just over 200k. I'm confused here. I don't understand why the 300k card's 95 NFL 100 card sells for 200k and the 800k+ card's 95 NFL 100 card is selling for 165-170k. There also seems to be only a few of the Rice NFL 100 cards available, while there's more than a few of the Randy Moss NFL 100 cards for sale.
I get that by fully powering up Jerry Rice he's a Gold 99, but the price disparity is major. If i'm being honest I think the Jerry Rice card plays better IMO as I always thought Moss cards were overhyped and dropped more than half the balls and made 2 insane spec catches and everyone oooood and awwwed and someone that justifies his 800K+ price tag vs Jerry Rice who IMO in real life is the best WR ever for only 300k and with the speed boosts he's only a couple speed slower with much better carrying. I could just straight up get either and not spend anything, but i'm so reluctant to save those PUPs to wait and see what's to come, and if I don't like what I see in the future, I can always use it on another card I wanted from before.
Back to the main question. Why is Jerry Rice's NFL 100 card so damn expensive, even more expensive than NFL 100 Moss's card? Should I just stick with what is sure to sell with Moss, or go with something different and pick Rice?