Am I missing something? At LVL 96. Have option to get any NFL 100 94/95 card I want. Why is Rice more than Moss?
I'm a bit confused, I was straight shot on picking 95 Moss because he was selling for about 170k, but then I checked on 95 RIce and he's selling for just over 200k. I'm confused here. I don't understand why the 300k card's 95 NFL 100 card sells for 200k and the 800k+ card's 95 NFL 100 card is selling for 165-170k. There also seems to be only a few of the Rice NFL 100 cards available, while there's more than a few of the Randy Moss NFL 100 cards for sale.
I get that by fully powering up Jerry Rice he's a Gold 99, but the price disparity is major. If i'm being honest I think the Jerry Rice card plays better IMO as I always thought Moss cards were overhyped and dropped more than half the balls and made 2 insane spec catches and everyone oooood and awwwed and someone that justifies his 800K+ price tag vs Jerry Rice who IMO in real life is the best WR ever for only 300k and with the speed boosts he's only a couple speed slower with much better carrying. I could just straight up get either and not spend anything, but i'm so reluctant to save those PUPs to wait and see what's to come, and if I don't like what I see in the future, I can always use it on another card I wanted from before.
Back to the main question. Why is Jerry Rice's NFL 100 card so damn expensive, even more expensive than NFL 100 Moss's card? Should I just stick with what is sure to sell with Moss, or go with something different and pick Rice?
I'm a bit confused, I was straight shot on picking 95 Moss because he was selling for about 170k, but then I checked on 95 RIce and he's selling for just over 200k. I'm confused here. I don't understand why the 300k card's 95 NFL 100 card sells for 200k and the 800k+ card's 95 NFL 100 card is selling for 165-170k. There also seems to be only a few of the Rice NFL 100 cards available, while there's more than a few of the Randy Moss NFL 100 cards for sale.
I get that by fully powering up Jerry Rice he's a Gold 99, but the price disparity is major. If i'm being honest I think the Jerry Rice card plays better IMO as I always thought Moss cards were overhyped and dropped more than half the balls and made 2 insane spec catches and everyone oooood and awwwed and someone that justifies his 800K+ price tag vs Jerry Rice who IMO in real life is the best WR ever for only 300k and with the speed boosts he's only a couple speed slower with much better carrying. I could just straight up get either and not spend anything, but i'm so reluctant to save those PUPs to wait and see what's to come, and if I don't like what I see in the future, I can always use it on another card I wanted from before.
Back to the main question. Why is Jerry Rice's NFL 100 card so damn expensive, even more expensive than NFL 100 Moss's card? Should I just stick with what is sure to sell with Moss, or go with something different and pick Rice?