EA set the prices let’s be honest. No one expected golden ticket mike Vick to start around 8 million coins
A lot of people expected them to be high depending on the rate of pull. Too many people were sitting on a 98 team with millions of coins that they didn't know what to do with. The only cards that are worth anything to someone with a 98 team are mainly the GT cards.
its so obvious...ive seen 1.31 as cheapest so many times, gees madden 21 is going to be rough. It's like they're testing it on the golden ticket market especially...ohh there goes another crevon leblanc for 1.49 sold while typin this, its too funny
EA buys up any underpriced cards as soon as they are put on the auction block
There's no way they are throwing millions of extra coins at people buying GTs. Supply is low, demand is high and a lot of people were sitting on more than 10 million coins from rerolls.
Supply and Demand
There's no way any actual humans are dictating a 1.6 million coin price for Cre'Von LeBlanc. 1.2 million for Evans? No way.
There were a few coin making methods that were easy to teach, learn and replicate. People just spent days doing those methods.
So many coin making methods were released I for one made millions off those methods then I pulled GT Bo Jackson from a GAG
But I would guess that the coin grinders are a small percentage of all the casual users. The other 80% of users aren’t going to spend hours or days grinding.
Agreed about some of the lower end GT cards.
The remaining 20 % of players create enough demand to keep the prices high for a while.
I'm an average user of MUT.
I spent maybe $80 on coins since I bought MUT 20. I currently have a 97/98 OVR team and zero golden tickets, and ~900,000 coin in the bank.
How can the average user afford these cards that are 4m, 5m, 7m, etc. and why is the market staying so high?
I can't imagine that there are tons of players out there sitting on millions of coins... so why is the market staying so high and level on these cards? I may have enough by July or so to afford a 2-3m player if I don't spend a coin from now till then... just feeling left out LOL.