Damn man that sucks .. thats probably how a lot of coin sites get their money now that i think about it smh
I got hacked 3 months ago for 15+ million coins. And that was when coins weren't as cheap as they are now. EA did absolutely nothing even tho I had proof. Let me get some coins together and I'll throw you some. PS4? Good luck man.
Thanks, you are more proof of what I said when I won last weekends raffle, this community is pretty solid! even got me to pay it forward by giving away a 99 Cam Netwon to a Kid who didn't have any 99 cards...it made his day.
I remember that the muthead community came through for you. It was great but hacking should never happen
I get daily text messages from someone trying to log into my account. Two-step verification is a must.
I had to change my password recently, someone tried logging in too many times and locked it out
Probably won’t get anything back, sorry op. Make sure to change your password annually and have 2 step enabled. 2 step authentication has saved my account endless times. Coins are worth a lot of actual dollars, so yes people hack and steal accounts.
I have authentication set up and every week I get a notice in RUSSIAN of a passcode to enter into my account. So I know there are people trying. Scary stuff, man. So sorry about your account.
Two factor authentication is an absolute must. There are a ton of scumbags out there.
Rumor has it, the more topics you make about it, the better you feel.
Damn bro never share your password and EA probably won't do anything. Very sorry to hear that happened to you
i don't share my passwords to anyone, in fact, I don't have any friends online that play madden :) but yes good advice everyone should follow, still working with EA to get help.
EA most likely won't give back anything. They'd only give back stuff if it's a problem on their end.
Never use the same email you use for your ea account that you use on forums. Have different emails, I feel thats the best way to protect yourself.
Always have 2 step or change regularly passwords. Use 3-5 different passwords and make combinations of them if it’s too many places your signed up for. Haven’t been hacked once only once someone figures it out but couldn’t get passed 2-step.
When I was a teenager I got hacked on my wow account and coin sellers abused it, never since that 15 years ago
That really does suck man... any idea how they got your password?
It should be easy to follow the trail on this because after selling your cards they would need to sell a cheap card(from their account) for a high coin value.
This is a good reason to be nms - if someone hacks me nothing vested except spare time
Damn, I'd throw ya a few carda if you were on Xbox bud best of luck that's some bs.
You should change your EA account settings to 2 factor authentication. It’s an extra step, but it really does work to keep your account safe.
Really, are madden coins that big of money that they hack ppls accounts???? Unreal.....I was building up coins to buy GT White...I sure hope EA refunds at least the money they hackers sold off....So pissed I don't even want to logon to Madden until this is resolved.