
Anyone on ps4 play this dude in WL?

Can't remember where I wrote his name, but passes from under center with peyton to randy moss and Tory Holt at te. Dude threw for over 400 yards on me by running two routes


Sounds similar to a guy I played who was running Gun Heavy Panther and had Holt at one of the TE positions. It was a headache to defend


I throw a lot a game only run about 5 times a game I play no more . Most of the time people quit because I have Jerry Rice who doesn't drop anything for me and John Ross can burn CBs easily and then tory holt whose fine.


400yds=no skill. Ok


Moss 100 first play and then he broke off a long corner route when I was in man. Everything else was just him swerving out my lbs and dB's. Dude should've thrown at least 5 Picks.

Edited by nicksr84


Sounds like someone actually has skills, if only they try out being pro to stop these lame cheeseheads that run every down.


He had no skill. He was taking advantage of a terrible game like pro players do


How did he get Holt at TE?


Just found out he was using zan's eBook. And that's how he got the wr at tight end


Not too sure where. He's running someone's eBook


PeyPey out here dropping dots

Peyton is deadly in the pocket


I played someone on ps4. I kno he had moss, rice, holt, peyton. Omaha, and a hell a lot of routes. Plus gunslinger, he literally had the ball out seconds after then snap. I left down 21-3 in the 2nd


That sounds obnoxious


How is it obnoxious to sit in the pocket with tons of routes. That's skillfull compared to sitting in I form close or near flex bs all game.


If he’s running 2 routes and nothing else and it is somehow unstoppable it sure sounds like it’s some type of glitch dumbing out the AI. Sounds like it lacks just as much skill as I form and near flex


I thought I read he had peyton and ran lots of routes. Must have missed read. If its 2 routes yes that's cheese


I wouldnt consider two routes a ton.


Damn lol u try cover 4 palms?

Edited by trewafszdcvxbnhj


Nothing worked. He would just swerve catch every time. Whenever I would go to user the route moss was on he would just throw corners to Holt


cover 4 palms man up outside corner on the corner route shade in and down then bring the saftey on the palm in side spy the DT put one MLB on like a curl orspy so he lags in the middle only blitz four lineman(3 with spy) and slant them out left on the d pad up on the right stick. user the sub mlb/mlb 2 and bait him then pic off what ever route isnt covered. This is what I run most of the time along with 4 lock flipped in big nickle over G.




look up ^ lol

What corner route do you man up? Left or right?


opposite the running back side

And what does that do?


^^now imagine having to make these adjustments for every play. yeah... not about that life haha. back to 2x FGs and GAP for my quicksell..


takes 2 seconds


correct me if im wrong but thats at least 16 button presses just to counter one single play... hahaha. now times that by however many times you need to counter the next cheese. thats a little excessive, no?